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Posts posted by Lanakai

  1. That's the worst part though. :( When they do come to Canada, it's usually just Toronto. IDGI. :oprah3: :aw:

    Well it is the centre of the Universe don't forget (lol idgi either) Between Vancouver and TO, I think I have middle child syndrome. The prairies are where it's at people! Holla! :holla:

  2. I hate to keep addressing this issue, but I hope my earlier post wasn't misinterpreted. I wasn't trying to start a pity party or a contest about which country's fans have it worst. There are many fans on this forum from far-flung places that don't have a snowball's chance in hell of Lana performing within reasonable travel distance. Obviously they have it worst. Rather, I was trying to make these points:


    • The low number of US tour dates Lana has performed relative to the number of European tour dates she has performed is unusual and disproportionate for an artist from the US (especially one that fetishizes Americana), even accounting for the disparity in her popularity between the US and Europe.
    • The degree of disparity defies financial incentives and seems grounded in less than admirable motivations (either pettiness and spite or thin-skinnedness and fear).
    • While most people in places other than Europe or North America have less or even no opportunity to see Lana perform, that is not that unusual for an American artist. It is unusual for an American artist to perform so relatively infrequently in her own country.
    • A large proportion of her American fans do not live within reasonable travel distance of any of the few shows she has done in the US as they've been concentrated mostly in just two cities. A much smaller proportion of her European fans can say this.
    • I'll not be lectured by Brits of all people about this when the number of opportunities they've had to see Lana is wildly disproportionate even compared to the rest of Europe. Especially when they bring it up unprompted.

    But for what it's worth, I agree with you @@Lanakai that Canada has gotten the shaft too. You're collateral damage in her avoidance of US shows since most popular artists plan North American tours with dates in both countries (and sometimes Mexico). And as a side note, Toronto was actually the closest show I could have gone to before Lollapalooza.

    Oh no I was aiming my post at the non-North American group. I agree with everything you said as well, it was very well stated. On a side note, if she ever hits up Toronto again, we need to have a LB meetup!

  3. omg i highly doubt that on both counts but you're so sweet 



    Seriously though, don't doubt... Your videos are a big part of LanaCulture. I personally know people that think your videos are the official ones! And believe me, I'm writing two final exams today; I would give anything to go to that premiere tonight! Have a blast tonight honey and say hi to Lana for us xo

  4. no 10:30 is the last one 




    doors open around 6 but people were already lining up to get in for some reason that i can't seem to figure out. i'm back in bed


    You are living my dream right now jsyk lol.


    Also does it freak you out a bit that the majority of people waiting in that lineup today have watched your fan videos obsessively? They probably want your autograph too if they figured out who you are.

  5. You all need to stop arguing about Lana touring. Lana has performed ONCE in Canada and it was in Toronto, well before she was famous, when VG was her only pro video on YouTube. It costs at least $1000 to fly return to Toronto from the west coast (not that it matters for me since I get a discount but I digress) and normal people could barely afford that to visit family let alone to go to a concert. Canadian fans are the forgotten few. I'll have to sell my body and leave my country to see the Queen.

  6. What disturbed me is the fact we have a section in our local newspaper called Gimme Shelter, about abandoned cats and dogs that need homes



    What disturbed me is they're clearly using a Rolling Stones song about the Vietnam war to sell this movie about a teen mom... (and now finding puppies and kitties homes...) 


    Leave the Rolling Stones alone dammit!!



  7. Youre so right. People really dont care. Its a absolute individualistic society separated and segregated in their own little niches. Is getting to the point that people on the niches are not even caring about their own niches. I think is a transparent and you can easily see when you fly, in the metro in airports.   It doesnt affect my live . Its not about me. So why should I care? ME ME ME. Its individualistic, its me and me. Its the selfies society. What a bore and pathetic decade I was born. Much prefer group photos not much a selfie person.


    In a way I am thankful that I am from SA. We are loud, desorganized, never on time, with social problems but at least we are somewhat kinder.


    Bang on! Not gonna lie, I've never met a rude person from SA. You are all so happy as fuck when I meet you just loving life haha! The rest of the world should take notes!

  8. You poor cunt, you really must interact with the scum of the Earth....in the air. x.


    I can't tell if you're being rude or are just british/aussie lol. And yes, that is the driving force behind me switching careers asafp




    I know this is old news and all, but I accidentally stumbled across this video today where he explained that apparently Kim thought Kanye was gonna bring LDR. He mentions her at ~2:26




    I think that's the first time I've seen Yeezy sober. Jesus.

  9. december 2nd i have to be in court for a DUI hearing. missing the tropico premiere will likely be the worst part of my punishment 




    :tsk: I bet you never do that again hmm?



    I'm def. skipping classes if it interferes with Tropico!

    Ugh I wish. It's my last class ever and my last final exam before I graduate. I was going to fly to LA just for the day for the premiere but if it comes out on the 5th, It was really not meant to be for me  :sadcore3:

  10. To be perfectly honest, I think she killed it from "Think I'll miss you forever..." til the very end.


    As much as she pisses me off, Miley is a damn good singer. I like that you can tell she really appreciates the song and admires Lana and I respect her for showing it. Especially when it's usually pettiness and competition among celebs nowadays.


    In fact I have noticed a lot of artists are like that with Lana. They don't like her because they have to, to fit in or to conform. They honestly like her, admire her and enjoy her work and are willing to speak to how good she really is, regardless of what critics say. Lana has a lot of influential fans.


    I like it :yesnod:  

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