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Posts posted by Lanakai

  1. Ok, I can see that point, that's worded pretty deliberately. I still, however, think that a lot of the Kardashians critics, I would say even most, rely on slut shaming tactics (knowingly and unknowingly), as a part of their critiques. But of course, the distinction you made is pretty important. "Unseemly" is a good term for it too.


    Still speaking generally, this supposed shift in increasing vanity and/or coveting a particular lifestyle in the western world (because of the Kardashians + people like them), isn't causing "the world to be fucked".... nor can we make a correlation between this "shift" and a lack of compassion. And does one accurately measure the dips and highs in compassion on a global scale? :toofunny: How can you even assess something as visceral and personal as "compassion"?  :teehee: haha, i'm being silly here but this entire thing is just ridiculous.


    i love waking up in the morning and getting a good dose of LanaBoards self-righteousness.  :creep:


    I don't know, maybe it's because I work with the public and interact one on one with about 500 people a day minimum and have for the last 5 five years. I've seen a change in people over that short period of time that has frightened me. The general public no longer cares for anyone other than themselves anymore. Not everyone mind you, but the majority.


    I've seen families fight over a wheel chair and ignored me when I offered to bring them another to the point where cops were called to break it up. But they wanted it FIRST, and NOW! I've witnessed people outright say they didn't care a man was dying on a bridge because he was delaying their flight (the same flight he was supposed to be getting on and yes he did pass away and those people still didn't care and even used that to get a travel credit from my airline) and I've heard people tell mothers to shut their babies up when they won't stop crying during a flight where it was quite obvious the baby's ears were bothering her, twice now. This was all in the last six months.


    No one cares anymore. And I'm not the only one to notice it; it is a frequent topic among my coworkers. It never used to be like this even a year ago and for it to happen so fast is downright scary. Where will we be as a whole in 10 years? 20? I try not to worry about it, but the fact that I want to start a family soon, it's been on my mind a lot lately. @@evilentity is right, the Kardashians are a symptom and not a cause. And that is all I will say on the matter to save you from reading any more "self-righteousness" today, @@maru.

  2. That's cool. We all like and value different things. I'm more concerned with this really unwarranted vitriol that the family seems to elicit in others. They are harmless.


    See above. I also don't think the family is responsible for this sort of ~moral decay~ that some like to attribute to them. I also don't think Kim, nor anyone in the family has a moral obligation to ~be a good role model~ like was posed earlier in the thread. Lastly, I think a lot of the critiques of the roots of their fame can be attributed to inadvertent slut-shaming. It's not so much that I like the Kardashians, but more like the arguments people have against the Kardashians are so inane and ridiculous:


    and I can't help but feel the need to say something. Also LOL @ anyone having an obligation to ~contribute to society~. Yeah, I think that's really what I dislike, the idea of obligation to society, whether it be some sort of contribution that must have some sort of ~value or merit~ according to another's standards or the obligation to be some sort of role model. Dafuq? They have no obligations to you, nor I, nor to society. And because of their supposed failure to meet these standards, they are now saddled with some sort of moral decay and a growing lack of compassion in society or some equally inane crap?? Ok there. Just let 'em live their lives and don't get so incensed about it. Just do you. Simple.  :creep:


    But they are glorifying being sluts. I'm assuming you're young and that is why you don't see how it could hurt anyone. Sure, let them be on tv and glamorize doing nothing and getting everything just by whoring themselves out to anyone who will pay, exposing their entire lives without morals for everyone to see. See? You don't need to work hard to earn all the riches you desire... Even though the real world does not work that way. It doesn't hurt anyone right? I think if you had a daughter who wanted to be just like Kim, you'd be disgusted with them as much as I am. Or at least I hope for the sake of the younger generations, you would.


    I don't care if they want to be like that behind closed doors.  It's their life, let them do what they want. Let them be shallow, vapid and pretentious fame whores whenever they want in their own circle. However, I do have a problem seeing them become famous and them using that fame to perpetuate their lifestyle and glamorize being lazy/attractive/willing to do anything for fifteen minutes = $ $ $.


    I don't care if they never meant to be "rolemodels"; if you attract that much attention, you have an obligation to contribute to society whether you want to or not. At least try and make an effort. No one gets to ride for free.


    A good juxtaposition of character would be the Robertsons from Duck Comander, or Duck Dynasty. They are of the same stature of the Kardashians, have the same type of wealth and now fame, yet they use it to promote a strong work ethic, family bonding and love. By contrast, the Kardashians almost promote the opposite (though you can see that they care for each other in their show, just not more than themselves individually)  And again, I'm just defending my opinion of them. You are rightfully entitled to your own.

  3. Kind of sick of Kardashian-bashing. Who says you have to ~contribute to society~?

    When you have young and impressionable girls looking up to you for becoming famous for a sex tape. Even Paris started making music to become an artist. That family, save for Khloe and her volunteer work literally does nothing yet have people worship them. Since when does doing nothing but be rich, dumb and self absorbed make someone a celebrity? This world is fucked because of people like them and the people that call themselves their "fans". All it does is promote narcissism and moves the world in a less compassionate direction. People stop caring about their fellow man and start being vain and in my personal opinion, which had nothing to do with your opinion, the Kardashians are the perfect example of what is wrong with the way society has shifted in the last ten years.

  4. She reminds me of Julie Strain with her dark frizzy mess in the Ride video, tbh. negativeman-55f.png

    As a naturally curly girl, that is NOT frizzy. Straight haired people have no clue what curly haired people, especially girls have to deal with. Curly hair is completely different from straight hair and I would kill to have my curls behave like Lana's in that video. Google frizzy hair and inform yourself. Lana's Ride hair is not at all frizzy.

  5. Well, her silence says a lot more than words ever could. :toofunny: I wonder what her problem with the Kardashians is.



    Probably the fact that Lana busted her ass to get where she is and the Kardashians are only famous for being fame whores and literally doing nothing to contribute to society. But that's just my opinion.


    The nails, or lack there of, should have been a big clue that it's not. When was the last time Lana didn't have nails on?

  6. "I want to become a sort of Angelina Jolie."


    Haha, I don't think that's what she meant by that. Besides that looks nothing like AJ or LDR!!   ;)


    But honestly, Lana and Angie and Evie would get along so well... They can have their own summit and talk about being charitable and helping "her fellow man" whilst being gorgeous and such... Jennifer Garner would be secretary of immaculateness 


    (I adore all three four tbh :crying: )

  7. The first mention of the film was in the bel air video description. Maybe it will be released 1 year after the bel air video was uploaded? It's really not that long to go considering how far we've waited.


    Wasn't it some time in november?


    It was in early October, because I made my Burning Desire video with those Bel Air clips and according to that post, I uploaded it on Oct 15th I think (Which is one year ago today!!! Yikes!)

  8. Wait what about Jaime called what whoI read lana was the best doc ever oops

    Sitar is saying that it is significant that Jaime called not only her husband to come with her to the delivery room for the birth, but Lana too. Usually it's just the husband and/or birthing coach. So she must really care about Lana and vice versa if Lana is there.


    Looking at those new info @@evilentity 007 kindly gave us raised even more my doubts about Lana and her alleged drug/alcohol problem. Yes maybe she was drinking and doing drugs like most here but the LEVEL of it is what I question now even more. As we all know Lana got to AA (alleged :troll: ) which is ANONIMOUS so we never gonna get real info about that period. All that is left is Lana's words and we all know how truthul she can be :diva:


    so was all her big fat imagination? Stories about other people?? Tell me Lana :poordat:


    "I flip my hair and make you stare and put my make-up on

    And make up stories about my life and put on very cherry-bomb."








  10. I think somebody has it out for Lana tbh. Even her Born to Die video leaked, before she was relevant.

    You might be right when it comes to some of her unreleased discography (ie, So Legit, pretty sure Lana did not want that out) But for the obvious stuff like the Born to Die video you mentioned, I think it's Lana tbh, either directly uploading it places herself or giving it to a friend who then shares it on her behalf. Think about it, before the label had her in their tight grasp, as soon as Lana finished a project (video, song) she was in control of when it was released. She did almost all her own promotion and managed her own YT accounts, websites, myspace etc. She's probably just super excited about her stuff and before the BtD video came out she was so proud and gushed about it all the time. I know for me, It would drive me crazy to hold off until the label said it was okay when I wanted to share it right now because I was so proud of my work. That's also why she's probably being so tight lipped about Tropico because she's already had her hand slapped by Interscope too many times.


    But that's just my little conspiracy theory, and I'm probably wrong lol  :runs:

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