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Everything posted by theweightofthehours

  1. Kinda. I don't know. I knew it wasn't coming but I still feel slightly disappointed/depressed lol
  2. https://twitter.com/MyLifeIsAFlop/status/1111462630739374080?s=20 lmao
  3. I'm not buying this album when it comes out. Just like I didn't buy LFL. It's what she deserves for all the torture she is putting us through.
  4. I just find it very hard to believe that she is THAT clueless about the release of her OWN record. Like seriously, she must know something, anything.
  5. Why is this happening to us? What did we do wrong? Ugh, so unfair.
  6. lmao, this is fun. I can't believe I've spent the last four hours on my phone watching this mess unfold.
  7. https://twitter.com/mmgrizzz/status/1111403977738850304?s=20 Yesss it's coming.
  8. Because then it wouldn't be a surprise. Maybe they were told to say they don't have it.
  9. https://twitter.com/syringez/status/1111390791841120257?s=20 But what if the Target people are lying?
  10. Oh my god. I'm even starting to believe that can actually happen. Help.
  11. Maybe we're just too negative. Maybe when we wake up tomorrow we'll have NFR, along with a brand new video. A Tropico 2 but longer. Just maybe.
  12. I believe in the power of this, but we must get more gays to do it otherwise it'll be pointless and we'll have to pretend we are shocked that the album wasn't released. *keeps on chanting*
  13. But guys, what if she surprise releases the album tomorrow lol I love being so delusional
  14. Yeah, I see what you mean. I love Heroin a bit more than Change but I never really listened to them that much. I just really want an album full of MAC and VB vibes.
  15. Also, low key expecting HIADT isn't on NFR. I mean I think I like it but I'm also over the piano ballads. Kinda boring.
  16. Just wanted to thank you all for making my mornings at work so entertaining.
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