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Posts posted by theweightofthehours

  1. It feels like something's ended and I can't put my finger on it exactly. It also feels like she's accepted something about herself that she hasn't before.

    That was what I gathered from it as well and I couldn't express it.

    I don't know why people can't get over the fact that she's not interested in doing these big budget music videos anymore.

    Or that she's "tamed" now. Like I couldn't disagree more, but that's just my opinion.

  2. I-

    Venice Bitch a weak song? Wtfffff. Lyrically it's not her best by any means but that is not the point of the song imo. Even without the outro VB is beautifully crafted and the melodies are gorgeous. I'm not an Antonoff stan and when I heard she was collaborating with him I was like "hmmm idk about this" but they gave us her most candid album to date. There's just something palpable in her voice that sounds more real. Like she finally let go of the persona she created. That's why I barely listen to Honeymoon, some of the tracks in there are among her best, like the title track, SoC, TLY, but in retrospective it feels like it was Lana Del Rey making a self parody. I don't know.


    I'd still make NFR shorter though, she needs to start to filter out songs that don't add to the cohesiveness of a record. And stop sharing fucking snippets.


    Anyways, that's just my opinion :hooker:



    Also, apparently quite a lot of people left her Portland show during VB and at the end she said, "thanks for fucking sticking around!" to the people who were still there. So you know, she can turn up 50 minutes late but God forbid people want to beat the stampede out of the venue/on public transport by missing a few minutes of the VB backing track. :usrs:

    Wow. I love her but wtf. Why is she acting like such a brat?

  4. Ok since we're all dragging NFR now, like we anticipated...


    I love Cinnamon Girl but it's the type of song she needs to stop putting in albums. I've come to enjoy HTD. TNBAR shouldn't be on the album, I was never a big fan of the demo and I don't mind the change in the lyrics. But it sounds so boring, I skip it every time. I wasn't into Bartender very much but I really like it now. The album would be perfect with just 11 tracks. Doin' Time as a song is great but it shouldn't be in the album either. And I'm sorry I know Hope is gorgeous and I get why a lot of people love it, it's beautifully written but I can barely listen to it. So that's that.

  5. Jack is too fun, talented and smart for straights to have him. Can we claim him instead?


    I feel like he seems to be such a cool dude, like if I was Lana I'd have such a crush on him.

    Yep, definitely him! 

    Posted on October 5th: At the Red Sox vs Yankee play off game at Fenway Park tonight. We’ll be wishing a mother fcker would.

    (Fenway Park is in Boston and Lana was there the day before to watch him train... y'know, down at the training yard...)



    How do y'all know everything? You're like the FBI or sum

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