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Posts posted by CruelWorld

  1. Why did they change FIILY? So, I pre-ordered the album, so the one that downloaded automatically, will that stay the same? Or is there a single version I need to buy?


    Sorry I'm really dumb when it comes to this stuff.


    why was the FIILY snippet we got three weeks ago from the French website an extract of the single version?


    That was probably a last minute change. I believe the single version is going to be on streaming services.

  2. that was such a dumb move if someone actually contacted them. I think Lana's label could have noticed from people talking about it on Twitter or Instagram. Or maybe they are reading this thread and knew what store we were talking about.

    That twitter guy didn't say where he bought it though. One user from here posted IG account of the store that was selling it early and someone smart enough from here told them that it's not supposed to be out for sale yet. Later I posted location of the store so someone could go there and buy it quickly, but it was too late. The whole story.

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