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Posts posted by CruelWorld

  1. 320 is the highest and iTunes quality


    I know. 320kbps is the highest quality for mp3 files, not for itunes tho. But I was talking about that saavn stream site. They had all songs available at 64kbps as lowest and 128kbps as best quality. Every single leak on the web atm is 128kbps. If anyone thinks they have 320kbps, it's converted from 128 to 320. We can be satisfied with this, it's pretty decent for listening. Album is coming out in itunes quality really soon.


    And all of you who downloaded the leak... Please support Lana and buy your copy of "Honeymoon". It's not about sales, it's about support & loyalty.

  2. UGH. what sucks is that I literally have a vinyl turntable that codes records into MP3s like it sucks so much. Hopefully I can score at least the vinyl tomorrow if not the CD.


    That really sucks. We need that album in HQ so bad. I listened only LQ version of "Art Deco" and stopped after that. I don't want to ruin my first listen experience listening to some LQ recordings of recordings. Do what you can do. Anything will be better than those LQ recordings. :lanasrs2:

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