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Posts posted by VeniceBiatch

  1. obviously i can't give my full impressions due to the quality of these leaks, but overall i'm a little disappointed in the lack of bridges because lana has AMAZING ICONIC bridges (the blackest day, heroin, off to the races to name a few) and that feels like something she's known for so i'm sad to see so little of them (thank god for keeping the BAR bridge the same however) 


    also, doin' time will be deleted immediately. not that i don't like it, but the whole album is very cohesive with its focus on introspective sad girl shit and this summery, care-free bop stands out in a bad way IMO. 


    from what i can tell from the literal garbage quality we heard, the production is decent (take this with a grain of salt however because I could hardly even hear the strings in NFR in the transition from the verse to the chorus). cinnamon has great production but we been knew, i love the piano on Bartender, and obviously VB and FIILY have really great synths. disappointed that the production for TNBAR seems to be copy and pasted from the demo? and the lyric changes are questionable but whatever. 


    so pretty much i'm conflicted because some songs (NFR, VB, Cinnamon, TG, Bartender) are iconic discography highlights but some (love song, TNBAR, DT, HIADT) are just meh and kind of boring/misplaced. 


    that is my opinion

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