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Posts posted by WhiteIrishDrinker

  1. If Lana is gonna cover Amy Winehouse she needs to do 'Take The Box' or something epic/bad-bitch as 'Stronger Than Me'. Fuck 'Rehab' that's Amy's worst song ever! Also, remember she was working with Mark Ronson? Maybe she's recording a cover and he's producing it, that would be epic and I wouldn't mind waiting another year to hear that!!


    And if it's not a cover, I can easily see them recording something new that would sound like the resuscitation to the "Gangsta Nancy Sinatra" singing fast stuff like 'Off To The Races' or 'Diet Mountain Dew'. Beats with jazzy sound and a band! That's what I want. No more ballads Lana please, save those for shitty movies like The Great Gatsby, Big Eyes, Adelaine or Maleficent (although I loved 'Once Upon A Dream').

  2. tbh esto.


    Hay un thread ESPECÍFICAMENTE para este tipo de situaciones, y este es de Lust For Life. Pero whatever, el es el tipo de persona que se quiere ver superior a las personas. Solo por decir "I don't understand your language" se cree la gran cosa. Espero que encuentre el amor un dia. xoxo Sending lots of luv.



    (btw todo esto era para leaked_version no para ti. Se puede malentender un poco  :P )


    It's so funny when they dicen "I don't understand your language" and ni siquiera tienen en cuenta la probabilidad de que en este foro existan más personas que hablan español e inglés que aquellas que solamente manejan un idioma tan fácil y básico como el inglés (not to offend anyone pero its really basic and easy to learn especialmente if you understand y hablas un idioma tan complicated like español).


    P.S: Is it also against the rules if I write spanglish? I already have two strikes, lol

  3. Well, mainstream/pop doesn't mean bad. Beatles, led zeppelin, Morrison, Joplin were all popular at some point.


    She's definitely mainstream, but more in the alternative sense. And that's a great thing. Her legacy will be similar to that of current icons like Rihanna or Gaga, but her work will be more compatible to The Doors or Janis Joplin, etc.


    And I'm glad for that.


    Yeah i actually love a lot of Pop music (not the current tho, except Rihanna) but yeah i love it, but i think that's why i love Lana so much because her work will be reminded forever as a culture, not just like basic music with 395863845382363 people co-writing her songs (Like Katy Perry that can't even write her own Tweets lol) or something so "reductive" as that 'Closer' song by the Chainsmokers.

  4. Could you imagine her vocals on a Katy perry track? Dua? Melanie? Rihanna? Of course not.


    AMEN! Lana is unique, she will be always unique and original. That's why Ben needed Dua Lupa because lana will never do those shitty collaborations Dua has done. Lana is legendary, unique, and icon. She will never NEVER be mainstream or Pop, she's NOT.

  5. Born to Die - 21

    Blue Jeans - 24

    National Anthem - 43

    Ride - 42

    Tropico - 35

    Shades of Cool - 47

    Love - 21


    I can't believe somne of you say LOVE is better than BTD. At least she acted on BTD. Love its just a single shot with her lip syncing .

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