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Nick Del Rey

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Posts posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. 2 minutes ago, West Coast said:


    I was holding on to the hope that there would be more to it, but I fear like it really says it all the the bundles' description. :rip:

    So if you really want a hoodie would you suck it up and get that boxset? Or hold out hope for future drops of solo apparel/ variations? I still think theres a lot more merch to come. They're dropping it like this so that we buy merch -- and then better merch comes along and we buy that too! And it's working!!

  2. This song feels monumental, it’s going to go down as a classic. 

    Also, I’m getting Lynchian vibes from the song — “It's because she's in a world, preserved, only a few have found the door. It's like Camarillo, only silver mirrors running down the corridor”  — I visualize an alternate Red Room from Twin Peaks with silver mirrors instead.


    I’m just so thrilled, she totally blew me away. 
    The album visuals remind me of Lynch too, and Warhol but maybe I’m going too far. IDC!:oprah:

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