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Posts posted by rocknrollgroupie

  1. 39 minutes ago, cominguplavender said:

    I'm so intrigued by the Tammy Wynette / Stand By Your Man references progression. First reference was in Breaking Up Slowly with "I don't wanna live a life of regret / I don't wanna end up like Tammy Wynette," which I think was her saying she doesn't want to have to settle for and stand by a man who isn't enough for her (in contrast to Norman Fucking Rockwell). Add in this past month of her singing Stand By Your Man, seemingly genuinely, where at one show she said "Hey sometimes you just have to," but then she switches it up last night saying "but if you love him, you won't forgive him."

    I’m so intrigued too:defeated:

  2. 41 minutes ago, burthday kake said:

    i mean we know for sure she has been cheated on before, at-least by francesco & sean, n with how men generally are (no offense) i wouldn’t be surprised if she had some relationship(s) in her youth where the same may have happened. 


    besides that, i feel like the whole “i was born to be the other woman- who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone” thing really just links back to her issues with her parents at the end of the day. often when you’ve had such a rocky experience with your primary caregivers, you end up subconsciously avoiding healthy/safe relationships 1) because you think you don’t deserve it or/and 2) to protect yourself ? it sounds silly but i guess the thought process is like: if you’re just a “side chick” or in this super noncommittal situation, you have nothing to lose really & can’t end up hurt. like you actually do get hurt anyway LMAO but i think that may be the logic behind it 

    (speculation ) 

    Also “no man can keep me together been broken since I was born” and “I wanna be the whole world’s girl gramma”

    Agree with ur thoughts.

  3. On 8/20/2023 at 8:16 PM, Rorman Nockwell said:

    I mean I think it's pretty obvious that many of her recent relationships overlap

    There simply isn't TIME for her to have dated all these men if they didn't (and Clayton heavily implied it in tweets, too)

    Maybe Evan wasn't kept in the loop :um: He seems a really straight sorta guy and I can't imagine him being cool with it tbh (based only on overall impression)

    Anyway it's all speculation



    also what did Clayton say😭 I remember some of his tweets but it was so pathetic of him to talk abt her online that I stopped keeping up

  4. On 8/19/2023 at 11:12 PM, Lucasldr said:

    Y’all Americans are SO annoying “she’s not coming to my state” WHO CARES Lana hasn’t been to Australia in 6 years I would travel across the country and even to New Zealand to see her SHUT UP. This goes to all y’all West Europeans too. “I Hope she announces more dates for *some place she just went*”PLEASE you just saw her and are already thirsty for more I’m PARCHED:crossed:


  5. 19 minutes ago, Rust Dress said:

    omg this video is even worse.. all those fans literally surrounded lana and chuck



    I hate how normalized it is to behave like this towards celebrities. Like the people here are full grown adults with their kids, you’d think they’d have common sense and decency to realize they’re literally ruining someone’s gathering. Things like this just stress me so much  smh

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