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Posts posted by yayoop

  1. did Lana really made that comment on your signature or is a fake? If she did who was she calling cunt?


    I'm pretty sure she did! Umm, it was on her Youtube account. I never saw who she was replying too, but she was calling a girl who made a mock video of her on Youtube. You can probably find it if you go onto Lana's youtube and go through the feed to see all her past comments and stuff :)


    Look here for her comments ..


    ... she's so great

  2. Oh no! I love Katy Perry, she was my obsession before Lana .. ahahaha

    KP3D marked the end of the KP era for me, and then Lana came along~


    The movie is good! Interesting, obviously a bias, but like i bought it on DVD.. so i like it, hahaha

  3. What's waldorf?


    It was a very high budget photo-shoot that took so long to put together.

    Just kidding, hahaha, one day my friend was over and we were listening to Lana and i needed to do more pictures for my folio! So i wanted to do a BornToDie appropriated picture, so we got some roses from my mum's garden, she clipped them into her hair and this was in part2 of the shoot. It was about 9pm and we were outside in the pitchblack using my laptop light as the light source and i just took the pictures. I used my canonSLR??D and i didn't photoshop much, i just saturated the colours and enhanced the shadows and here we are!

    I haven't got the outtakes because i accidentally deleted the folder when i was cleaning up my Macbook :'|

  4. It's interesting cause I was collecting music to play at my christmas party (Nov2011) and someone sent me "Video Games" and so i watched the Youtube video and was like .. "What the fuck is this shit?" and turned it off. And so then i went away on holidays and one day i saw Katy Perry tweet about this Lana Del Rey person, in March or February? about the Born to Die album and so then i was like "may as well see what it's like" i watched the SNL performance and didn't think it was that awful. I saw that the album was like in a really good position on the charts so i decided to buy it! And then i got hooked... My first love was Diet Mountain Dew.

    And now here I am .. not even a year later, obsessed with a unhealthy passion. Hahha

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