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Posts posted by AntiToxicPill

  1. Just now, GPSOTSOMFWHDSF said:

    Is that guy seriously trying to credit JACK for Lana's evolution  in music? I am about to lose my temper. I wish suffering to that man and his sweet Margaret. 

    I just can’t 😂 . How is it possible for someone to believe that right now , Lana writes better lyrics thanks to Jack ! ? I’m sorry people but you have to go and study all the unreleased and released songs Lana has wrote , up until NFR . Her storytelling has diminished significantly just like the orchestration of the  productions. Do not ignore the elephant in the room. Like it or not just don’t ignore it . 

  2. 1 hour ago, Yeahyeahyeah said:

    I said legitimized. I’m not implying he made Lana or anything.


    but he did help her remove the gimmics (heavy reverb, lyrical tropes, overly cinematic production) to reveal her true genius as a songwriter. And for that I appreciate him.

    You mean Lana actually writes better lyrics now ? 

  3. On 12/28/2022 at 12:04 AM, VioletBunny said:

    it’s the worst lyric she’s ever come up with and I genuinely believe that.. I just can’t get over how uncreative it is. I get that it’s a metaphor but it reminds me of something I’d have written in year 9 English.. 



    I usually keep an open mind when it comes to people’s opinions but this is heresy ! 

  4. 10 hours ago, letterblue said:

    people need to quit talking about Jack. it’s embarrassing honestly, he’s an extremely talented producer. people act like the artists aren’t the ones going to work with him and describing the sound they want and liking how it sounds and then releasing it.


    like please give it up :toofunny: your faves like what they hear.

    A talented producer is supposed to produce honey and not vinegar for our ears . He may be a talented song - melody writer , but his mixing and mastering is just 🤮. And that’s ok . I’ve made peace with it since Lana made clear that she will work with him until the end of days .


    And an unpopular opinion , I hated NFR when it came out and I couldn’t understand why people love it . Now after years I’m still trying to get into it but as soon as my ears hear the mixing mastering errors I get extremely annoyed . Yes the concept of this album is great , it could have been her best record if Jack could just help her with melodies and not actually mix / master the album .

  5. 1 hour ago, TextBook said:

    “I just hope it’s not some Grant family party […] we won’t really care about”

    Once again, she makes albums for herself. She doesn’t have to please her fans in her songs. :awkney: 

    Some people want art . There is nothing wrong with that . Bringing your family issues all the time on the table can get tiresome . No one said she has to please the fans . The user you quoted said he/she hopes it’s not some Gant family party and that’s extra fine . We don’t have to please everyone with our opinions . I wish people would keep an open mind and keep their claws to themselves. And no I’m not attacking you, it’s just that there is so much negativity between the ldr fans the last couple of days . And it’s sad . Art should bring people together .

  6. 1 hour ago, your dealer said:


    I think this completely destroys the purpose of the song and makes it nearly unlistenable. The way it's currently produced puts an emphasis on the way she says certain things and how they're said which is incredibly important in understanding the song. Every part of the arrangement is nearly different as the song progresses in an extremely meaningful way. The added UV production is repetitive and aimless and not conducive to the concept, feeling, or writing and this is an excellent example of why Lana is Lana and we are not! 

    Never said I was Lana …. I’m glad you enjoy the arrangement of the original song !! 

    1 hour ago, White Dress said:

    Bestie, can you do this again but making them match key? 

    Will try !!

  7. 1 minute ago, Selfloathinpoet said:

    Last night I couldn't talk about anything they were talking about because I was busy. Regarding that insider saying that LDR9 sounds like HM X UV, please! That sounds so much like fan service that it sounds so unrealistic, it may be true, but why use two albums to compare a new one? All of Lana's albums sound DIFFERENT, so using two existing ones to talk about a new one sounds like the laziest thing in the world. 


    Or the best thing in the world . 

  8. 32 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    honestly the vitriol people have towards smoking in general really irks me because it's not any different from any other addiction, it's usually considered rude and insensitive to judge and shame somebody suffering from substance abuse, but people always talk about how smokers are disgusting and going to die of lung cancer, of course, smoking is very bad for your health but i don't think those who smoke are any less people because of it, i mean, i grew up around smokers so it's something i'm very familar with, but still


    you do have a point, though, when men smoke, people always view it as hot and edgy

    This ! Nowadays everything is racism, body shamming , emotional abuse , but for the smokers it’s ok to bash them 😂

  9. 19 minutes ago, BlueINK said:

    I made an alternate cover:




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    Font png in case anybody wants to make their own cover:

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    Other versions:

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    Version 1:



    Version 2:



    The second one is actually better than the official. Well done!

  10. 4 minutes ago, mrborntolose said:

    hmmm damn i loved bunny! hopefully it’ll grow on you :defeated:


    but wow this album to rain sounds like a vibe


    could you imagine a lana x zella collaboration album? a gay can dream :flutter::ma:


    Technically we had for free but I don't count that one :creepna:

  11. Just woke up! It's raining outside and I'm drinking coffee while listening to the album. :smokes4:

    The only song I don't really love love is bunny. 

    This album is phenomenal. The production, the sound. As an audiophile this album turns me on.

    Lana please take notes...:defeated:

  12. On 10/11/2022 at 6:19 AM, eyelovelefteye said:

    Yep, there’s a unreleased video for High that had a coven look to it, Hollywood wouldn’t let her release it because it wasn’t in line with the mold they tried to put her in. I’ve talked about the shelved album a little bit in this thread, I’ll share some of what I know soon


    Bit about High music video:

    WWD: The video for your song “High” was held back from release by your label — what happened?

    Z.D.: The best I can put it is that sometimes art and commerce don’t really mix together. You know, I created this video from just pure authentic intention, and the label just had a different opinion on it. At the end of the day I could’ve gone their way and just cut out certain scenes and released it, but if I had released it that way it wouldn’t have been the video I wanted to release. So I didn’t release it. And it has nothing to do with if they’re a bad label or not; they’re a great label and they’re the reason I’m on this tour right now. They’re funding this whole thing. But I stand by my art and my vision and what I really believe in, and I’m only going to explore more, the further I get in my career and the deeper I go into my mind and my imagination. And so I just felt like it was a good precedent to stand my ground. 

    WWD: How have your fans reacted?

    Z.D.: Everybody was really angry. But there is a chance that I’ll start projecting it at my live shows. Somehow I need to get it out there. At the end of the day, music videos are amazing and really fun to watch, but the most important thing to me right now is definitely touring and playing live shows and connecting with my audience, so the music videos are important and I wish I could’ve released this video the way I intended to but it’s music first. Music videos are not my top priority. But it is important, so I’m going to find a way to release the video.


    People heavy into social media need to comment/dm letting her know we still want it & maybe it’ll surface online. She was very passionate about it at the time



    That's so sad. Damn!

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