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house of balloons

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Posts posted by house of balloons

  1. I happen to completely agree with him but I wish people would stop caring about critics' opinions so much. Not referring to you, just a general statement. Some opinionated asshole who has ridiculed your favorite artist(s) for years & repeatedly trashed albums you love decides they like ONE thing you happen to like too....so suddenly they're an expert whose words are gospel & opinions matter more than anything, and more than anyone else's? You either care or you don't. I'm not going to rejoice that the absolute fuckwit who gave Ultraviolence 2/10 took a break from being tasteless and found himself liking two great songs. Personally, I don't see why we should give these people value.



  2. Aw, it's so cool we have so many different people in this thread from all paths of life, those of you still in HS are like the small portion of this thread that still has hopes and dreams and potential  :flutter:

    In all seriouness, enjoy the time you have left, work hard and make some memories! It's kind of a tricky time in our lifes, but you'll do fine!

     I think that if there was a students thread it would easily surpass this one with the amount of breakdowns we would have


    girl-   :awkney:

    I genuinely wanna try this w someone but idk it wouldnt be just up to me tenor.gif?itemid=5789449


    it will itch 

  3. I quite enjoy Taylor Swift's music but its kinda upsetting that Lover will chart and sell so much better than NFR.... the reviews I'm reading are saying that Lover has quite a few... dodgy... tracks and then we have NFR which looks to be a knockout fantastic album. I guess quality never sells. 


    it's not her best, far from it...yet it already sold like 2M in its first 24 hours  :icant:

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