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Posts posted by Masochism

  1. I have 45 songs including EP & mixtape,  you could probably fish a few more out of the internet + album will be soon. You could at least try :(

    omg i want the songs tooo pleasssseee

  2. idk why people get so uppity about unreleased music getting leaked. i can see if it was for an upcoming album, but when it's not for any album in particular/is old the 'respect the artist' argument gets annoying. i respect the artists i listen to plenty but that ain't gonna stop me from downloading their music illegally :toofunny:

    that's why most of melanie stans are dumb. they don't understand no matter how much you try to explain that to them, they're busy ass-kissing melanie. I hate themthem & I am a stan

  3. idk why but for some reason "Can't Help Falling in Love With You" is everything i never knew i wanted from Melanie and i literally want it more than anything, even WDBCF

    it's so peacful and good, i agree 

  4. Someone on another forum spoke to Eclipse and he said he was never going to leak the Melanie songs, he deliberately decided to leak a snippet only to tease the fanbase because he hates Melanie lol


  5. omg WTF where the fuck do people get these songs?


    I Can't Help Falling In Love sounds amazing omg i need this song in my life. the original is amazing  but this cover sounds even better omg og I'm having a nervous breakdown why do people waste our time leaking 10 second snippets to never release the whole damn track? making me so depressed  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:


    EDIT: I sound like a complete psycho I'm sorry I'm just fragile today after all these snippets and leaks and everything 

    I just feel like we were going to get something in full, but Melanie stans started to tweet #Crybabiesrespecttheartist against the leaks and then Mel's label took down the snippet of the other song. Idk i had a good feeling abt the leaks this time and all my hope are now destroyed. im so saaaaaaaad

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