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Everything posted by LanaBalkana

  1. I won’t have to search for a podcast before falling asleep
  2. Iirc last year BST for Adele was 100k. Not sure if Lana sold that much but imagine… LANA WEMBLEY RESIDENCE WHEN
  3. She can definitely cut YB and DMD (and national anthem too). I was all for DMD but she basically lipsynced the whole thing so I can easily do without it. She should instead do Honeymoon/Terrence and Cinnamon Girl/Mariners. I would also replace Ultraviolence with West Coast. Ultraviolence is super heavy for a live performance
  4. Okay I avoided responding to your comments before because you are annoying but here we are: We have to differentiate between vocal damage and vocal style. There are no signs that Lana’s voice has suffered excessive damage. She records most of her vocals in a single-take live in the studio which leads to imperfections. Some like it, some not, whatever. Lana has aged and so has her voice. This is a normal biological development that all artists undergo especially given that Lana is a smoker. It’s normal for someone’s range to fluctuate with time. Arguably her worst vocal performances are during the Lizzy Grant live bar shows where you can tell she’s inexperienced. She has always been a bit lazy with live vocals and has never been a fan of ultra-polished vocal performances which is again an artistic choice
  5. I mean it’d be crazy if she doesn’t do a Latam tour… this is such a no-brainer that I’m not sure why it hasn’t been done before. Having four dates per tour is definitely not enough for the Latam market. Let’s hope she does this and serves an epic cunt for you guys
  6. I think the same. I think she’ll stick to the original length of the MITA show but just have more interaction with fans and the audience. She could do one extra song tops. I expect slight setlist changes but let’s see
  7. I don’t know of any professionally recorded performances NFR and after. The only one I can think of is the Sacramento one that was recorded from the mic feed and to me that one sounds great. I also listened to several fan recordings of performances from the NFR tour and she sounds great in all of them and the backing track is not overpowering her voice. I have found this to be mostly an issue with shitty livestreams. The 2018 Lollapalooza livestreams also sound shitty to me if I have to be fair.
  8. I have a genuine question: is it the mixing of the live stream or is this how genuinely her concerts sound live? Because it wasn’t only in the first couple of songs that you couldn’t hear her. On DMD the only thing you could hear were the backing vocals.
  9. Also Candy Necklace was amazing, she sang it so beautifully
  10. I know we all hated on BTD taking over yet again, but I have to say this was her best Blue Jeans performance and she was fucking living for it
  11. Pretty when you cry needs to go, sorry…. Otherwise, all else sounds dope
  12. And somehow Brazilians will scream every word to it…..
  13. The only thing that I actually hope for is that she goes on this stage not giving A SINGLE FUCK about anything and serving the vocals we know she’s capable of. I sometimes can’t believe how she can record perfect vocals live in the studio with super high notes. I hope her stage anxiety is a thing of the past as she’s become more liberated as a person I would love a full band production of candy necklace with background vocals and everything.
  14. That would be epic but maybe 17-18 would be more realistic, given that her songs are on average longer (and then there’s A&W) and we have to take into account intermissions and crowd talk etc. edit: unless she does some medleys
  15. is this actually Lana’s farewell tour 👁️👄👁️
  16. So so far we have: confirmed Yes to heaven a&W DMD National anthem def not happening cinnamon girl blue banisters cocc ottr VB Bartender wildflower Very likely summertime sadness btd video games ride the setlist will likely be what? 15 songs? even with the known and very likely songs, we still have 7 songs that could be fresh/surprise. I think if she has retired OTTR there’s a chance that more old/overplayed songs have been scrapped in favour of other hits. She has a loot of hits to choose from. i just pray there’s no white mustang, lust for life and too many piano driven songs like bartender (even if I love them)
  17. What y’all do when she opens with a Hope/Wildfire/Kintsugi/Fingertips medley
  18. I think serial killer will absolutely slay now. A lot of people will stream for the 2010 nostalgia and it can easily go viral on tiktok as well.
  19. Did you see the video of her performing margaret with jackoff? I expect something like this, but probably with some more make up
  20. That’s how I feel as well. I’m chuffed that the song is finally out and it’s amazing and love how much people like it. But I was also hoping that some of her more recent work also got the same amount of love. But this is probably the most radio-friendly song she’s done in a while and the GP cannot really vibe to DYDKTTTT or Candy Necklace. But at the same time A&W and Dealer became her most viral postNFR tracks and they’re probably among her weirdest ones, so there’s also that
  21. And this is why I love Lana.. she makes me feel and she makes me think simultaneously. God this woman
  22. Give me that bagpipe drop Other artists will fart 1000 million versions of a song to get that dough and here she sits atop a gazillion universally loved unreleased and she’s like 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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