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Vanilla Icy

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Posts posted by Vanilla Icy

  1. 4 hours ago, That Venice Bitch said:

    Melonhead said it himself… he doesn’t really jive with Lana’s music. We shouldn’t hold him to liking the (fan service) album of an artist he doesn’t like


    3 hours ago, Gothicula said:

    i just don’t think fantano as a fat and ugly straight man is really the demographic for lana.. he’s never gonna get that feeling of sexyness and the vibe in general while listening to her music JUST GIVE UP


    this. i understand it’s his opinion, but he’s a straight dude in his like 40s … his core audience is reddit incles who can’t form their own opinion so they go to him for validation of the quality of their own taste and that alone inflates his ego. he doesn’t even know how to enjoy music cause he’s focusing on every detail of a song.

  2. 1 hour ago, Super Movie said:

    People would tear AKA apart if it got re-released 100%. Especially songs like QOTGS, Brite Lites, PMIAM and Smarty. The only tracks I can see the GP liking are Pawn Shop Blues and Kill Kill.

    i'm not dying for an official release of aka, but i'm very curious on how it would be received, how critics would review it and how big some of the songs would become. tiktok loved put me in a movie so it would probably become one of her top songs

  3. 4 hours ago, Vertimus said:

    Not only no line about being "a candle in the wind,' but no other classic rock references whatsoever, as far as I can tell. I have no problem with such references if they're genuinely clever, or especially meaningful, but on the last couple of albums they've become way too obvious, and it cheapens the whole concept. 

    she references nirvana's lithium and pink floyd's comfortably numb in WFWF

  4. 45 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:



    i think so too. on her ig live she mentions the pattern of fragility running through her lineage and that she hasn’t been able to write as autobiographically as she’d like to because there’s a lot to unpack within her family tree.


    the album is quite literally her text book, her history, searching for that connection with her father and finding matriarchal security in her “sisters” that wasn’t present with her own mother. she’s revealed a lot on this album, and when i listen to it i feel like she’s speaking directly to the listener letting us know exactly why she’s the way she is.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    people do the exact same thing with nikki lane and honestly it's really gross, you may not like their collaborations together or her music personally but she hasn't done anything wrong, i've read some really rude things about her here :tsk: 

    some people do it with literally all of her friends, she can't ever post with them or include them in her videos without someone saying they're ruining the vibe or something...

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