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Vanilla Icy

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Posts posted by Vanilla Icy

  1. everyone uses autotune to enhance the vocals and to get rid of any extra noises or cracks it's pretty obvious there was more autotune on btd you can tell with some of the demos compared to the final versions but i think it fit the music since it was pretty pop/trip hop based, the guy who produced video games said he didn't alter her voice at all he just used what she already had recorded

  2. autotune has nothing to do with how she used to sing in her lower register, and now she rarely does.  It seems like the more nose/bridge and cheek fillers leads to higher vocals.

    well lana doesn't sing lower naturally almost all of her lizzy performances she sings in a higher voice but her label made her sing lower to help her image it could've hurt her throat maybe or she just got tired of it 


    also she smokes so that could've had something to do with it 

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