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Posts posted by gasstationkween

  1. i feel so bad on her, i feel she has probably had a very difficult life, but it seems she been hurting in a different way recently, i feel she healed from a lot things but as a result a lot more issues have surfaced.

  2. Well she did for AKA,BTD and UV so....I


    She's become basic af sweetie. Just another L.A. Girl with puddle deep thoughts and ethics. The only thing that's deep about her is the fillers she gets injected by some quack every couple of months. Let's face it L.A. has dragged, beaten and destroyed the very essence that made her special in the first place.

    Oh my god, I can’t

  3. Being something and acting the part are two different things. Noone doubts she is rich and priviledged but the way she tends to behave exactly like the clichee of the "woke" hollywood gurl is pretty unpleasant

    But what you’re effectively saying is you want her to act like something she’s not, which is dumb and weird? I am confusion

  4. Guys she is 34 and 49. She did the cringeworthy Bartender-video, where she displays the behaviour of a 13yo tictoc user.

    The only problem she has is that she's leaning into the rich-priviledged-american lifestyle way too much right now, singing halfassed "political" songs with the depth of a puddle and constantly doing cringy bs with her gUrLs. This is not about persona or race (lol), this is just her posting cringy shit on her insta while everyone waits for her to announce an release, which is fairly annoying.

    She is rich privileged and American? she’s not really leaning into anything

  5. she said she was a moderate. like she literally said it. in her own words. "I'm really not more of a liberal than I am a republican — I'm in the middle.”


    let's remember that not all millennials are liberal. and urban outfitters hippie? you mean a major music label and major fashion brand collaborated to make more profit because they know the demographics of the people who will buy her albums and buy their clothes. had nothing to do with who she is, but more of who the label wants to sell her as. she's a white woman from an affluent family who acted like someone she's not. you know why she's a matcha drinking, soul cycle baddie? that's who she's always been. she got tired of the act. i think some parts of her persona were real, don't get me wrong, but just because she vapes, did drugs, and talks about her pussy, does not make her a liberal, nor does it make her conservative.

    Or she could have just changed, no one is the same person they were 10 years ago. I personally don’t think it’s a question of persona I think it’s more of a natural progression. She is no longer in her mid 20s having fun, going wild. What I’m saying is she’s in her 30s had her fun now wants to relax.

  6. excuse me, but i never attacked her clothing, hair, makeup, plastic surgery, weight, choice of men, childhood traumas and political feelings. please show me where i did. to say Lana is left-leaning because she hates Trump or called out Kanye is foolish. those were easy moves that had no effect on the revolution. and no she's a centrist, and an apathetic one at that. see now i'm criticizing her. and where the fuck do you get off, telling me to get over it? mankind is everybody's business. 


    and last time i checked, this is a Lana Del Rey forum and guess what? we discuss Lana Del Rey!

    It was a general statement, you know that

  7. gotta tell you something hun, Sean is not super liberal and neither is Lana Del Rey

    Lana is left leaning and Sean is probs middle of the road, now get over it , we all been knew Lana is not a vocal person on these things so why do yall continue to be invasive it’s exhausting and it’s quite frankly none of your business. No wonder she doesn’t share her life with us anymore with people like yall crazy stans constantly on the attack whether it’s her choice on clothing, hair, makeup, plastic surgery, weight, men, constant speculation about her childhood traumas and political feelings. I just think she’s like any other woman in their mid 30s no major political feeling but maybe a passion about something here or there eg her hate for trump and feelings about disaster relief

  8. This is such an interesting topic for me, I can only speak from own experience and perspective, Lana lives her life as she wants to and she’s prone to change ( as we know) but it creates a relatability and likeable personality that I personally relate to. She also sings about themes that a lot of the LGBTQ people relate to and I relate to personally. My favourite albums are Ultraviolence, NFR and honeymoon btw. There is nothing wrong with where she is going I think she is becoming more Lizzy every day which makes me happy that she finally is content at least, I’m sure another break up album is coming tho.

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