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Posts posted by Shades

  1. guys i dont know! mixed feelings! it's so great but also i don't think i will ever listen to it again! there are euphoric highs and blatant misses! i don't know!

  2. 1 hour ago, JFKs Fine China said:

    Probably a complete reach but my first thought was of her in her teens running her fingers over bags of drugs? Don’t drag me, I’m no lyrical mastermind, it’s just where my mind first went :toofloppy:


    1 hour ago, drugmunny said:

    idk what the hell it means but im living. I cannot seem to even put these lyrics to a melody in my head but I know she will serve a beautiful one


    interesting how she seems to be writing really differently from even Norman? I enjoy her being super creative and obscure with the poetry tbh, I'm just hoping the production is a little more clean and solid than on BB to balance out some of that complexity in the lyricism.


    3 hours ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    don't understand a word of it and it's kinda insane, i love it :wowcry: 


    The way I interpreted it was Lana being lost in thought while doing something mundane, like having come home from grocery shopping, absentmindedly running her fingers over the plastic grocery bags while she thinks about someone from her past. It seems like she's rerunning moments/experiences between them and is desperately trying to find some hidden meaning behind why they did the things they did. It sounds like she was neglected/ignored by this person and was vying for their attention, and is desperately trying to deduce whether their actions were silent messages to her.


    dunno if it's right or not, but that's my take. what do y'all think

  3. Grimes changed her twitter bio to Gods and Monsters lyrics, and she posted some of Honeymoon as her teaser for the New Gods vid. She’s a fellow Lana stan :smokes:

  4. 10 minutes ago, Leader of The Pack said:

    it's good but dealer really was made to be screamed or belted. Here's the thing about screaming: it doesn't have to sound good as long as you are emotive.


    ive been meaning to try a version where i scream but my voice has been in poor health since this cover bc i keep getting drunk and screaming in bars so i cannot yet :smokes:

  5. On 12/17/2021 at 2:14 PM, Glitter Boy said:

    I loved this! It's amazing the shift in the chorus vibe from the original to this one. Never thought it would sound this amazing without belting off! Great job :gclap: 

    WAIT OMG I JUST FOUND THIS I'M LOVING IT TOO :angie: inb4 I make a mashup with your version and Lana's :ma: 


    thank you omg :cuteface::crai: how would you say it's diff from the original?

    pls make a mashup ill cry. ill pay u in tears

  6. 8 hours ago, daphnedinkley said:

    aaaaahhhh omg okay so im glad this topic exists !!! i think about this a lot for some reason?? just tiny lil tweaks id make if i could to "improve" the lyrics idk cause every now and then a lyric will really bug me :toofunny:


    from Text Book - "It seemed only appropriate you'd defend when they attack", because i hate how she rhymes "back" with "back" :et:


    from Freak - "Looking back at my past it's even stranger than your danger", because "stranger than a stranger" is terrible but also i feel like this lyric tweak would reflect the idea that lana's past (or the narrator's past in general) was wild enough that she's not scared of anything anymore, yknow??


    from Nectar of the Gods - "I get wild on you baby, I get wild and fucking crazy as the sky is blue" because the colour blue isn't crazy at all?? the original is such a weird lyric?? so the only way i can think to make it work would be to make it "crazy as the sky is blue", bc the sky sure is blue so that must mean she sure is crazy, right??


    from Honeymoon - "Or whatever you wanna do, no Gods no rules" just because I find the lyric "we make the rules" a bit cringe and juvenile for some reason :candy:


    these are so good! are you a writer

  7. 2 minutes ago, Super Movie said:

    As strange (but it's true, dahling) as it sounds, I'm kind of excited to see what one-off comment Lana makes about an upcoming song or album kickstarts us into official pre-release. Chemtrails it was LMLYLAW and White Hot Forever, Blue Banisters it was Rock Candy Sweet...what's next? :brows:


    what one-off comment will she make that will have literally nothing to do with the album and never show up and haunt us forever??? im so excited to find out :creep:

  8. 35 minutes ago, plastiscguy said:

    No, because this is actually really good :eartha2: I love what you did with your voice, the harmonizing :trisha: 


    But I do agree you should re-record the chorus and yell the lyrics, it will be good for the economy :true:


    26 minutes ago, Solar Fields said:

    Giving the girls a run for their money :hdu: Let’s hear the screaming version now :oic2:


    thank u angels :ohno: i am more sober now and that first verse is real rough who let me upload this :toofloppy: 

    i feel like the only way i can scream is if i pitch the song down bc miss lana is belting like a C20 or something


    25 minutes ago, Mer said:

    I don’t wanna listen to this in front of my parents without headphones, bc I don’t want them to judge me just in case it’s bad—but I’m sure it’s amazing and can’t wait to listen once I find my AirPods!


    LMAO this is such a mood... they'd probably judge u but pls report back

  9. 6 minutes ago, DeadSeaOfMercury said:

    No shade

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    omg this is chaotic evil im too fragile for this :mj3: just tell me it's awful or become my stan no more emotes i cant deal(er):crai:

    3 minutes ago, Venice said:

    This was actually pretty cute :ohno: When my voice leaves, I become a squeekster, n not graceful raspy like this :crossed:

    I also love how you covered the whole song rather than just one artist's part! 


    omg thank u? graceful raspy?????? :ohno: i have 13 reasons why and now One (1) why not

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