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Posts posted by Shades

  1. she's been touring almost non-stop since February 2018 and she has a new tour starting early next year, she's had problems with her feet, etc etc


    she needs to stop for a year or two and work in new music in the meantime 


    true, but she's at the height of her career rn and probably won't ever be this big again, so it makes sense for her to make as much money as she can selling out arenas while she still can

  2. Am I the only one who afraid of listening to Hope? I'm avoiding it, it's beautiful but too dark and reminds me of so many shit, like my depression days..etc


    Lana released Hope in January, which was a very, very rough time in my life-- heartbreak, near-death of people close to me... that song was the soundtrack to the beginning of this new year because it could communicate the suffocating darkness I was in better than I could.


    Anyways, I'm doing moderately better nine months later, but listening to that song is enough to feel my world close in on me again, to feel the cool January air as I walked for hours alongside the near-frozen river and contemplated jumping in. But I listen anyways.  :creep:

  3. Lmao why do we care what that nasty mouthbreathing overgrown Caillou looking fuck has to say? Not only has he paid dust to Lana for years, giving UV something crazy like 1/10, his reviews were always an attack on her character and reeked of misogyny. We don't need his worthless validation. We been knew of her talent and artistic genius and his unflatteringly late arrival to the party is a reflection of his weak mind in following the bloodthirsty pack back in 2011-2014. Next!


    ok rant over sorry

  4. In order for Lana to put out a memorable and impactful album she will have to work on it for more than than two years.


    I knew this album would be a let down from the second she announced it.


    Lana, what has happened to you? Take 10 years off and bring us something you've really put your heart and soul in.


    This album is a one season money grab. Too bad that's all Lana seems to care about these days.


    First things first, the quality of work Lana produces in incredibly short amounts of time is outstanding and should not be understated.


    With that being said, I would love to see what Lana could put out if she and her producers spent maybe double the time (which would still be incredibly short compared to other artists) on her albums. Lana has an extremely high album turnover, but that often means writing a song in an hour (see: probably half of NFR), not tweaking or hardly tweaking the lyrics, having the production done and then moving on to the next song. The songs are shockingly good for the process being that short, but I do wonder about the incredible quality we'd get if she actually took the time to edit/perfect her work.

  5. literally, there are *very* few albums i couldn't fathom removing a single track from. i have a weird way of visualizing tracklists that usually involves an element skewing the representation based on a tracklist's hotspots (making for some wildly different conceptualizations since filler can/will strike anywhere). but this is soooo tight at the moment (nn) like…. i literally go to the tracklist and wouldn't even know where to click. cinnamon girl is tempting since it's a fucking bop and i want it now but love song i could actually end up doing as my first dance, so no skips. then what, doin time? after that video? no skips. FIILY? why? 


    the only bump could be MAC and VB tracks two and three, but VB is central to the setup for the rest of the album and now i'm also annoyed at the describing of this as a mood album. i personally think it's insulting to reduce any of her albums to that but she does it herself so i digress on thaT. but yeah no i think this experience with the tracklist is, in my mind, pointing to an album with robust, consistent quality, but also the way she told the story in such a half-compartmentalized-half-meta fashion makes it just really gripping and unexpected to listen to. the flow is really immaculate, and thank u lana for this time capsule/treasure/monument/opus like we will literally still be listening to this on our headphones while we're lying in our death beds, if i'm not then something went wrong


    good video or not, doin time doesn't rly belong on NFR. she still cute tho

  6. I gave everything a listen once, and I'll save any further listens for when it's released. I cried to California, wow. Such a raw song. Instant new Lana favourite.


    Anyways, I'm really disgusted with how everyone treated the Billie stan. As far as I can tell, this is another Del Rey management fuckup and they sent out the cassettes earlier than intended. The girl probably received it in the mail and got excited. That's not on her, that's on Lana's dumbass team and her own constant flipflopping on release dates etc. For everyone to bully this little girl and then laugh at her crying and saying she's scared is actually just gross lmao. Y'all are gross. 

  7. New poem from Lana:


    Matcha, coffee, tears, and rain

    Drown my blues, myself, my pain

    My world, my people, all my love

    Shall gleam and glow like light above

    I speak through tongues of Dalai Lama

    And plan my day just how I wanna

    Poppyseeds and evergreens

    Through dusk and dawn I am the tree

    The tree that seeks the light to bloom

    And plant my seeds upon the tombs

    Of Queens and kings

    Of Pharoahs too

    Of maids and workers

    And gurus too

    I am the fruit

    I am the treat

    I am the light the world will seek

    I scream my songs to the same skies Angels spread their wings

    I bless those who I love & banish those who only seek diamond rings

    For I am the love they sing about

    I am the melody the church will shout

    I am the bells that ring upon the marriage

    And the force that helps horses pull the carriage

    For I am all these things and so much more

    I tell you god, I am whole- down to my core



    Lana wrote this? Where did you find it?

  8. I never said the song is BAD, I even think it's better than Born To Die (sue me), however, among her other title tracks this one is a little weak but I love the atmosphere the song creates, especially the pre-chorus section. Anyway the song is cute but it's probably the weakest on the album (I'm not counting Coachella because for me that song doesn't even exist) and the original version had potential to be 10x better and more interesting.


    Lust for Ugly featuring castrato the weeknd? Better than the iconic depression anthem Born to Die?? expect your lawsuit in 2-4 weeks, ma'am



  9. I've been listening to Honeymoon a lot lately. Gorgeous album. We all like to blame grandpa Rick for ruining LFL, but the difference between LFL and honeymoon's production (he did both!!) proves lana herself ruins her own music. I hope she doesn't override Jack's better sense and turn NFR into a sonic disaster. Venice Bitch gives me hope, but that hope is almost wiped out by HIADIFJNGDJ-SJDN. I'm scared.

  10. lmao the poem is so vapid and shallow and just. it's bad  :biblio:

    i'm happy lana has gotten to a very comfortable place in her life, but it's become clear that she is not stimulated or challenged in any way. her lyrics are lazy. her visuals are lazy (that's being kind). her art has undoubtedly regressed. given that, it's incredible that the music still sounds good and the lyrics are okay, but come on. go listen to anything pre-LFL. nothing she puts out compares. she's wasting away in LA and seems to have surrounded herself with yes-men.

  11. You know, we all like to shit on the album and its production in favour of her later, more "artistic" work, but this project was so powerful. I don't think she'll ever top the cohesive and intoxicating narrative she had with BTD and Paradise.

  12. Not going to lie, any excitement I had for NFR has almost completely gone away. Her collabs are always fucking horrible, and a collab w/ another awful rapper does not fit the vision/sound I thought MAC and VB were leading into. This is going to be another LFL-type mess and I'm not fucking here for it.  :crossed:


    Do you guys remember how LFL was done (and from the demos/info we had, had a pretty cohesive and great sound), and while she was waiting for it to mix, she kept getting "inspired" and collabing with people and rushing to add songs she JUST wrote? It's fucking happening again!!!!!!!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT RUINED LFL!!!!!! SOMEONE STOP THIS WOMAN FROM FUCKING UP HER OWN WORK

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