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Posts posted by WaitForLife

  1. Acording to https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/Norman_Fucking_Rockwell!_(album)  the album would've been out at the end of March 2019.
    I looked at every song when they were recorded and the only songs that wouldn't be there are FILLY, DT and TG (it was recorded in February 2019 it could've made the tracklist back then).
    My own playlist I made after the album came out was actually the original version all along :gasp:

  2. On 4/13/2021 at 2:47 AM, sjatib said:

    Not to hate on NFR, but the more I listen to COTCC and the more time goes by and perspective towards this album grows wider, the more it looks like a random bunch of songs (few outstanding ones -VB, Hope-, some nice ones -Bartender, MAC,NFR, HTD, FIILY- and many, many fillers and/or poorly written ones -HIAB, TG, LS, TBNAR, DT, California) casually thrown together as an album and getting a huge crittical acclaim I still cant get how came to happen apart than the album having some truly genius moments and being released at a perfect sociopolitical timing (Trumps impeachment and right before a worldwide apocallyptical pandemic, which came to set some messages on it as almost prophetic).


    I love Lana and her output in a very special, compromised way, also this album, but with time Ive got to think that, as a whole, it may be her weakest one.



    I think she wanted to release it in 2018 or early 2019 but she kept making songs (ot Interscope wanted more happier from her) and that's why it is kind of wierd.

  3. 2 hours ago, Glitter Boy said:

    Hum... what? All three Blue Banisters, Wildflower Wildfire and Text Book are from this era. Whatever happened with the album's evolution apparently didn't make Lana to remove these songs from the album.

    I lowkey am not sure if what these reliable insiders shared was an updated info due to the album actually being titled Blue Banisters, which they said was not happening anymore. Or else, that Lana just picked up that title again like, yesterday.

    I think she just added more songs or replaced songs we didn't have. All 3 songs will be on BB like we got all pre-NFR songs on NFR.

  4. 9 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:


    I unfollowed her too. I'm not supporting an artist that doesn't respect her fanbase. We can access all her posts here, so it's not like we're going to miss out anything



    *Not supporting between quotation marks, because I'm still streaming her music and I'll probably buy her future albums if I like the cover 

    So never :gasp:

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