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Posts posted by WaitForLife

  1. Yes an album that copies from other artists for eg a 2011 boy band. And also her friends tune. Remakes her old songs from other albums into a new song which sound very similar... Buys her ways into Grammy. Doesnt support anything or anyone but does everything for clout/fake recognition. Also an album which is full of Same tunes almost same production.



    You're saying the above album will defeat NFR? An album that received such great critical acclaim

    So honest,pure and raw. The instrumentation and the nuances in each song. The stellar lyrics. The layering and the album is so poetic. .. this is the album.of the year. Such maturity. Unlike the so called Lover where she still writes about school,same stuff.


    WATCH taylor buy an ice cream truck for her next album but instead she changes it into a hot dog selling van. Then pretend like it was entirely her own idea .

    First you don't have to be rude. Second Lana stole the idea from Katy. She made it in 2010 to promote Teenage Dream. Third I love NFR but I have my reasons why Lover is my AOTY.

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