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Posts posted by DeadSeaOfMercury

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mer said:


    yes just noticed and edited. currently going thru their lineup to see if they have a door that matches 


    I’m kinda leaning British on this, but I’ll keep looking too!

  2. 1 minute ago, Mer said:


    yes, notice the door handles: 

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    Thank you for providing the image-hadn’t seen it yet. That’s a different car though, Imma be up all night looking. Thanks!

  3. I just heard do what you want on Walmart’s radio with R Kelly. I thought that song was like removed/delisted/canceled or some shit? BTW wanting Madonna on Stupid Love’s remix.

  4. 59 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:

    Do you guys think that Hey Baby Blue and I Must Be Stupid for Being So Happy it's going to be on BB?


    When I think of blue banisters, wood, blue and fire comes to my mind. Those titles definitely fit in the title of the album for me


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    And I also see one of those songs being a collab with Nikki Lane 


    Hey Blue Baby, But solo.

  5. 4 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:

    Sirens - Mango n' cream (for alternative folk people)

    AKA - Cotton candy 

    BTD - Vanilla (everyone likes it)

    Paradise - Pomegranate 

    UV - Kool aid

    HM - Pistachio

    L4L - Fruit Punch

    Norman - Pineapple

    Violet - Cream (memories/feels like home)

    COCC - Kiwi (for the ones that are wild at heart)

    RCS - Salted caramel 

    Paradise is cola flavored.

  6. Breaking Up Slowly

    You often feel that you are forced to make impossible decisions, constantly being presented with equally painful choices. Others may view you as extreme, and many may fail to recognize how often you act with the best intentions—better intentions than most. You probably bear some semblance to being the “mom friend” of your inner circle of people. Song Recommendation: Linger by The Cranberries
    I love linger.

  7. Okay, I just got home. And today while dealing with some of the stupidest customers in existence - I hear the Walmart radio DJs say and that was Lana Del Rey! Here’s one of her biggest hits now , you guessed it summertime sadness remix. So since the cows were too loud / I didn’t even realize she was on the show. Does anyone have that interview or know if she mentioned Rock Candy Sweet??? Thanks!


    3 minutes ago, sweetcinnamoncherry said:

    Thats true, I'm also wondering what will happen to the items that didn't sell out...will they get removed the site as well and will everything be replaced with new stuff or will they still be available with the new drops?


    I honestly can't wait until the next drop happens so we can finally get a feel of how this site will work haha (plus I'm curious as to what new merch they'll  be adding obviously haha)

    23 new variants of all her albums. And 3 singles.

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