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Posts posted by CinnamonGay

  1. VB is THAT song. It Inspired other artists to recreate music like that. It puts you into a trance and you can get lost into it and just forget all your worries...perfect for a long drive or while laying in a hammock by the sea in hot summer sun sipping Cherry Coke hehee..

    Also it's really a defining move for her..to put her foot down against her label and release a 10 min song with so much instrumentals..knowing damn well that it wont chart mostly due to its length

  2. Paid audio subscription streams [apple music, Spotify premium]: 1,250 streams = 1 album

    Ad-supported audio streams [sporify free]: 3,750 streams = 1 album

    And yes, only 2.5k~ albums from Spotify and 2.3k~ albums from Apple Music. 40k is still far off but it’ll certainly do more than 25k


    2.5k for full album or just Nfr?.


    Cause im.lost. I did the math for Doin time. It has 37.5 million streams right? That's equal to 375000000/3750(considering most as spotify free). ...that still comes out as 10k?

  3. There are NO FILLERS in this album. Every single solitary song is gorgeous.


    NFR should be nominated for album of the year in every music award there is, especially the Grammy's.

    Sooo true. I hope Lover doesnt get nominated x_X.

    I also wish her label nominated it for the Alternative category. No way lana will win pop with Ariana,Billie,possibly Taylor......


    Smh still cant get over how LFL lost TO a gingerhead's basic album.

  4. Marina promoted Lizzos album long back I think.. its ok though. I was just abit upset since I think Marina is Lana's closest friend..someone she can always depend upon. . Hell even Lanas insta baddie friends promoted the album more. Way before it was even announced. I remember that Stella or someone postsd a pic of a book named Norman Rockwell I think on Lana's birthday. And her dancers seem to care more about her than her so called bff lovey marina

  5. Yess, it's just so beautifully made. I don't mind the technical issues some people are mentioning, the melodies are just so sweet and magical, she has never sounded this good.


    Yup. It really brings out her voice. It's not muffled like LFL or drowned into 100000000 instruments like UV. Such a soothing tone.



    Also did Marina and Lana fall out? I dont see Marina commenting or sharing any story about NFR?

  6. California is literally my favorite song off the album but yea i dont blame her, like its just not her style

    I really love it. The first lines..I feel like shes talking to me. Because alot of times I feel like im not doing enough or I'm incompetent. I could do better ...but I just slouch around and at most times do only 2-3 activities in a day...when I could do much more if I just was happier or free

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