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Posts posted by Ultradealerence

  1. Same! I do believe we will get the album on September 4 or 5, but at the moment, just a preorder or a cover reveal or a snippet would be nice, something to give us a hint of the album’s feeling. But I guess that if she posts a snippet, I’ll want a whole song haha!

    As long as she doesn’t overkill it like she did on NFR. LFL wasn’t so bad, in snippet comparison, though there was a lot of teasing of the last tracks produced for the record.

    Yes! Lana give us a cinematic trailer of the new record please !!

  2. so it’s now clear what she’s been doing. She always wanted to be a write of poems, and with the progress of her artistry vision and fame, she’s able now to release this poem project. I think this was her primary big goal that following this career would have an opportunity to make it happen. If you see all her past work and successes, NFR seems the right place to unfold the poetry. She’s settled and reached many goals, you can hear her growth through all these albums. And now it’s safe to say, I like the woman she’s grown into, and the new record would appeal to that certain growth

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