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Posts posted by Ultradealerence

  1. May I introduce to a beautiful slovenian young duo that I found out, Zalagasper . They have this Lana-ish and Eilish atmosphere. I post two of my favorite songs of them. Enjoy!



  2. So let's see where we're at.


    Lana Del Rey's mother Patty is dead. RIP

    Lana Del Rey has a child via surrogate.

    Lana Del Rey has a younger half sister. Half sister by father or mother, truth is not known at this time.

    Recently discovered files reveal Lana Del Rey is actually a holographic projection created by the Russians to have the masses blindly hang on her every word while creating controversy and social unrest at the same time. Truth!

    It's all so clear to me now.

    Ready for a Netflix series

  3. I wonder, she announced an album title, a release date and not a single interviewer didn’t ask her to interview her about the new album. Or she just denied maybe cause she wants to feel more of a surprise ? I would like her to give some enlightenment on the theme of the album so I can expect the opposite, since she lacks expressing to the point the final products vision

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