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Posts posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. 2 minutes ago, rightofjupiter said:


    i think we'll still have to wear them for quite awhile (at least in the U.S. i think it'll take awhile to get everyone vaccinated), though i also think that some people will continue to wear masks for longer. i do wonder if mask-wearing while one is sick (and in public) will become more common here.


    2 minutes ago, Mer said:


    we’ll have to wear for a while, is my understanding. bc while the vaccine protects us from getting sick, we don’t know if it prevents us from being a “carrier” and giving it to someone else

    I figured. Wasn't getting ALL that excited because I knew beforehand that the transition to normal life is going to take a long while again.

  2. Just now, Mer said:


    my grandparents are getting vaccinated on the 28th! thank god now i don’t have to worry about killing them 

    Thats great!!


    I just want my vaccine and see if getting the vaccine = immediately no more masks or we still have to wear them for a while

  3. 6 minutes ago, violets said:

    do they really think the election has any chance of being overturned now? this is a clown show.

    Apparently they do.


    They've been so brainwashed to the point that they believe they can GENUINELY CEDE FROM THE UNITED STATES and CLAIM NEW TERRITORY. They believe they can start a "civil war".


    I highly doubt SCOTUS will do anything since they refused to turn Pennsylvania's results over.

  4. 5 minutes ago, 99centlips said:


    zuckerberg must be defeated. how much money does these greedy fucks need? i hate them 

    Absolutely 100%. There is no reason for one company to be absorbing so many smaller tech companies like that. If they don't get broken up, I bet they're gonna snatch that parler app.

    1 minute ago, knives said:

    im so glad i deleted fb years ago. unfortunately i still have instagram otherwise i'd have no idea what's going on in my friends' lives. they've ruined that platform too. i think the only platform i dont completely hate these days is twitter.

    I need to get around to deleting facebook as well.  Twitter is probably the best social media platform out there. It's simple, not bogged with so many features, the new stories thing was controversial but I actually do enjoy it.

  5. 1 minute ago, 99centlips said:

    we should never forgive facebook for the fake news they spread, especially during 2016 election, especially now with the antivaxxers too. 

    That pisses me off too. They promise to factcheck yet they never do anything. They dont take down the misleading shit either. At least twitter fucking flags it for you to let you know that sources say otherwise. Facebook is the reason why fake news exists.

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