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Posts posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. On 2/1/2021 at 5:31 PM, new gods said:

    chromatica oreos taste like shit im sorry 

    they tasted like pillsbury birthday cake (gross) and obvious faux vanilly.. they were also hard af?


    Idk if it had to do with the oreos but me and a good bunch of people have reported that


    they made us gassy? and some of us got diarrhea???


  2. 15 hours ago, Mer said:


    wait was that not you who said it in the random convo thread omg hahaha. 


    okay. banned for idolizing the 60s even though you never even lived it (the way this is 90% of the forum)

    THE 1950S AND 60'S WERE A TIME LIKE NO OTHER :paris:

    14 hours ago, MAX DEL REY said:

    Banned for hating on cancers omg

    banned for supporting cry baby cancers by banning their critics

  3. 3 minutes ago, Mer said:

    banned because you think the food expiration dates are just “suggestions”. 

    HELP??? THATS NOT ME??? :paris:


    1 minute ago, LemonadeHeavens said:

    banned because your signature is really small and therefore difficult to read

    Banned for that over exposed rlly lime green gif

  4. Just found this section :facepalm:


    Anyways I figure this will be a good space to share the single covers I made, rather than the status update area..


    I'll update this masterpost whenever I create new covers.


    Hope you all enjoy them. :) 



    (edit: links broken. going to upload them on my instagram)

  5. Since there seems to be some misconception, The chicken closet happened in 2016 when Azealia was cleaning out her NYC apartment (?) before moving to LA. 


    However this should not excuse her horrid behavior.

  6. 22 minutes ago, hewasneon said:

    hmmm, as a Mexican fan, I always saw lana show love to POC, even if some people felt like she was stealing from our culture, like when she appeared chola in gods and monsters, or like recently when she wore her flannel with the top button done, which I loved, I always saw it as her showing appreciation for the culture... that's all I can speak on as a latino POC lol

    cultural appreciation omg.. wait we might be onto something

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