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Beauty King

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Posts posted by Beauty King

  1. 10 minutes ago, Danny Milk said:

    Now that we have the tracklist, what are the best outtakes from Hot City?

    So far I've just listened to Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt and Waking Up Diagonal but I want to know what else is worth listening to


    Hit Me Up, Wild Card and Outlaw are the only other ones that I'd consider important. All the others made it on the album.

  2. Album is being turned in within the next 48 hours, according to the Instagram live she just did to celebrate the release  of "Jenny's Got a Boyfriend". That means it's coming in about one month, as that's the usual window required by distributors to process a release on streaming services and digital stores.

  3. 7 minutes ago, saith said:


    Ok thanks a lot for your reply.:wub:

    I've seen that Billie Eilish was there, did she have any other guests ? 


    Was she show professionnaly recorded and steamed and If so is there a way to download it. I'm not gonna watch until my show but I'de like to archivate it to see it afterwards. 


    There were three guests total: Billie Eilish, Jon Batiste and Jack Antonoff, though only Jon and Billie sang with her, while Jack solely played piano. A picture of the setlist also confirmed that there were supposed to be two more guests who were ultimately not present for the show: Kehlani and Father John Misty. Kehlani has confirmed that her schedule didn't allow her to make it in time to be there. Father John Misty has not commented on the matter yet.


    Yes, there was a professional livestream, but you're going to have a hell of a time finding a download. Coachella copyright-claims all reuploads of their livestreamed content.

  4. 11 minutes ago, saith said:

    Hi everyone,


    I'm going to see Lana this summer so I don't want to be spoiled about the setlist and all by browsing the whole topic but I need some reply on general topics :

    • Is it a new show a a continuation of the one she did last year ? (I want to know if it's pretty much the same setlist and same staging as last years's show but don't want anything too specific)
    • Did she sing new songs (I don't need to know how many) ?
    • Did she sing Coachella for Coachella ? 
    • What is the controversy about on that show ?
    • Was she good ? 

    Thanks to the kind heart who will reply to me :heart:


    Essentially the same setlist as last year's shows, in a different order. A few songs were swapped out, but the majority of the set was the exact same songs as last year. The staging is more elaborate, but honestly, not that much of an upgrade.


    No new tracks.


    No Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind.


    The controversy is mostly over the fact that there were a lot of technical difficulties and she gave a somewhat weak performance overall.


    It was not a great set, on the whole.

  5. Someone on PopJustice posted the album tracklist months ago, for those who are curious. This is before the addition of whatever the other re-recorded track is.


    1. The Lost Ones
    2. Never Far From Paradise
    3. Kissing In The Cold
    4. Personal
    5. Honeymoon’s Over
    6. If It’s Been a Hard Night
    7. Bad Movie
    8. Love Hearts
    9. I Took a Little Something [re-recording of the Experiments song]
    10. Get You Back [re-recording of the Late song, I'm Gonna Get You Back]
    11. Jealous

    Album is titled The Lost Ones.


  6. 1 hour ago, cartoon eyes said:

    did anyone catch the mass earlier today ? apparently seroquel, chalamet eyes, white dior lossless, tanqueray + angel eyes leaked - cant find them anywhere :( 


    A person made an unreleased tracker yesterday that incorrectly listed those songs as leaked. They are not.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Nightcall said:

    What happened between Lana and Emile regarding Ultraviolence?

    I read on an older thread here that Lana had written a whole album but he just couldn’t produce it. Are these songs unknown or were they pretty much an early version of the known UV tracks?


    He got busy with recording his own record and writing/producing for other people. They barely worked together after Paradise. She says he's still a good friend and that they just weren't wanting to make the same types of music at that time.


    Whatever older thread you saw was probably a misinterpretation of her comments at the time; as far as we know, the early sessions for what became Ultraviolence were nearly all with Rick Nowels, not Emile.

  8. 6 minutes ago, EmptyPromises said:


    She'd have rights to the music if its not turned into the label, right?


    This is absolutely not how it works. She would have to negotiate the rights specifically when attempting to be released from her contract. Labels retain rights to all music produced under their auspices as a part of almost all recording contracts.


    There's a significant chance she is leaving with almost none of the music produced in the last ten years.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Say Yes to Heaven said:

    why did this say it quoted me


    They originally quoted this post and asked for the source:


    On 2/1/2020 at 2:47 AM, Say Yes to Heaven said:

    Kali has announced she will be releasing finalized Por Vida outtakes in the coming month. As an anniversary present for the album which came out Feb 4th, 2014. The songs featured will be:

    1. Honey Baby 
    2. Pablo Escobar
    3. Rich

    4. Lonely Boy
    5. Give Me All Your Connects
    6. Cocaina
    7. Don't Make Me
    8. Fireflies

    9. Killer (Por Vida Demo)
    10. Baby It's Fine
    11. Lean


  10. 3 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

    You + I = Forever


    Proper title is "You. I. Forever". You might be confusing it with "You + I = Death", which is an unleaked track.

  11. 47 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

    There's no way the estate would have allowed for her music to be destroyed... It just doesn't seem fathomable, especially for a music label :bebe:

    Truly hope that is just a lie made up by the label to deter the pursuit of that material...

    Take The Box is my favouuuurite Amy song. Frank is such a stellar record.


    They destroyed the copies the label had. The producers of the material still have all the original files.

  12. 13 hours ago, Glitter Boy said:

    OMG Frank turns 20?? Wild.

    I adore her two albums, lowkey wish they released more posthumous albums because she was truly an artist, her songwriting and vocals were always amazing and I can't help but wonder what other material would sound like. I also really like Lioness, but I wonder if there's more unreleased music of hers somewhere (aside from what's leaked).


    The head of her label destroyed all copies of unfinished unreleased material in label hands specifically to prevent that scenario. He realized that she was a perfectionist and the material wasn't anywhere close to finished enough to form an album. We do know a few titles of songs intended for the third album:


    Do Me a Lemon
    A Lion's Pride

    You Always Hurt the Ones You Love [which you can hear a snippet of her working on during the Amy documentary]
    Song for Dionne
    Our Souls Ain't Sold
    Not a Penny

    Cremated [this might be an alt title for "Like Smoke", as a page from her diary has it listed near "Like Smoke" and "Never Wanted You (To Be My Man)", so it seems like she might've been deciding between the three]
    Lion(ess) in Limbo
    Where Is He?
    [probably the Amy solo version of what became "Cherry Wine"]
    Misery Loves Company
    How Long Now
    You Never Came Back for Me


    Between the Cheats was also on the same list, but that obviously saw release, alongside Like Smoke.


    All of these are presumably still held in the hands of the producers who worked on them, though. Salaam Remi and Mark Ronson have both said in the past that they're against the release of any of the unfinished unreleased songs that are still in their possession.

  13. 18 minutes ago, lovemooch said:

    someone leak her version of ''Nothing On (But The Radio)''


    She didn't record it. It was only offered to her and she didn't bite.

  14. 2 hours ago, cyanide kisses said:

    praying rewind your heart makes it onto this album


    She said it made the cut in her TikTok comments. Here's a list of the confirmed ones so far:



    Don't Get Mad, Get Famous
    Everything But You
    Forever 21
    Hot City
    I Wanna Fucking Call You
    Jenny's Got a Boyfriend
    Rewind Your Heart

    And a few that she said she was considering, but weren't confirmed to have made it:
    Soundtrack to the End
    Just a Kiss


    She's also said all of these next set are scrapped for various reasons:


    American Girl
    Hit Me Up
    Right Now
    Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt
    Waking Up Diagonal
    Wild Card


  15. 23 hours ago, nobodyjose said:

    Does anyone know if there’s an original version of in the lobby (Papi)?


    Papi was one of the files she accidentally made public on Soundcloud for about an hour in 2015, but nobody ripped it back then, so that version is lost for good.

  16. 1 hour ago, bigspender said:

    are you sure? it sounds slightly different to me in the mixing but maybe it’s been a minute since i’ve heard the song


    I checked the file of this new one with Spek and it bounces identically to the Ceremonials version. Definitely nothing new.

  17. 1 hour ago, bigspender said:

    she casually just released the final version of which witch on a compilation album


    It's not any different from the previous one. They just removed the "(Demo)" tagging to make it look nicer in the tracklist.

  18. 4 minutes ago, icyyypisces said:

    Do we have Brick Avalanches?? I haven't heard it.


    Not leaked and will hopefully remain unleaked, as it was on the tentative album tracklist.

  19. On 7/27/2023 at 5:59 AM, Embach said:

    Wasn't the Hollywood movie soundtrack thing debunked? The real question is what happened to the Alice In The Wonderland soundtrack :wat:


    The Once Upon a Time in Hollywood info came direct from an interview with the film's music supervisor and she had no reason to lie about it.




    The Alice in Wonderland thing seems to have been for a spec script that never got off the ground. The writer likely asked her to do the music before they got any backing from a studio.

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