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genghis khan

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Posts posted by genghis khan

  1. Can you stop being so inflammatory on every post you make? You've said that you find her wearing a shirt style as problematic, and some people have disagreed. You don't need to post a mocking response to disregard logical responses - we know you disagree on the basis that you posted the original comment.


    yeah i think her pretending to be latina is problematic but i'm not going out here saying what she is or isn't allowed to do. so comments like "oh so shes not allowed to wear xyz??" are just coming out of no where. anyones allowed to wear whatever they want. it's "i think what you're doing is displaying a disregard for peoples culture" not "you can't wear that!!"

  2. Lana wearing dark lip liner + gold hoops and a flannel plaided shirt with only the first button buttoned down is literally chicana and cholo culture. She's been appropriating Latinx culture since day 1 and it's not cute. I'm glad she acknowledged that her wearing a native headdress in Ride was a very very problematic choice but she needs to do the same with her history of Latinx appropriation. She's not a Latina. She's a white girl.


    what did she say about the headress?

  3. Stop being so ridiculous so now she’s not allowed to wear a plaid shirt. Plaid isn’t exclusive to Latino culture in fact it wouldn’t even be the first thing I’d associate it with 

    omg stop being dramatic. i said it adds on to her history. you dont need to get all defensive like "OH SO NOW WE'RE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO WEAR PLAID SHIRTS??!?!?!". it's not that serious

  4. Was Lana actually appropriating Latin culture by wearing that shirt? Where I'm from, everyone wears their shirts like that and my country isn't dominated by Latin culture. If anything I thought it would make more sense to go for the way she overlined her lips...


    it's not the fact that she's wearing a plaid shirt. if any other celebrity just decided to wear plaid one day it would be fine. but lana has an extensive past of pretending to be latina so the look from her insta update just adds to it

  5. why should she even care about her looks in a shoulders up instagram video update. like concerts and red carpet events are a different story. but she obviously just posted this on her way to walmart or something she literally had no reason to go out of her way to look good this. this criticism is so stupid. y'all have been lied to. just because she gained weight (i don't even see it) doesn't mean she's  unhealthy. she's talked about being on unhealthy diets when she was thinner and younger anyways so if anything it makes more sense to assume she's more healthy rn 

  6. Elizabeth Woolridge is such a great name though. "Lana" and "Del Rey" is common names where I'm from. I know 5 real life "Del Rey" (3 Mexicans, 1 Argentinian and 1 Colombian) and 6 Lana's. 


    It was hilarious that some people thought Lana was Cuban or Mexican after the Ride music video came out.  :thumb3:


    May Jailer might have worked. idk if the name elizabeth would do well in the entertainment industry. It just sounds sort of out dated. I know a lot of celebrities named elizabeth but they all use stage names

  7. There's a lot to discuss and criticise about Lana (most notably her wearing that headdress in the Ride video), but complaining about the name "Lana Del Rey" itself and the fact that she uses some Spanish in a couple of her songs? Please. I hope those of you who are so bothered by this never accidentally listen to La Isla Bonita by Madonna, I wouldn't want y'all to have a heart attack. And wait till you find out about Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Girls, or even the actual Japanese Harajuku style/culture in general... oh wow!


    gwen didn't change her name to kiko yakuza and dye her hair jet straight black and then write lyrics like 'he's japanese just like me' and 'you like your women japanese' 

  8. I legit acknowledged that she is not only flawed, but also tone deaf and completely oblivious and unaware on important current issues/societal problems, has a track record of problematic/less than smart behaviour in her lyricism/narrative, visuals, overall art, on top of being a very poor verbal communicator. All of that.


    But go off.


    then in that case you in particular are not included in the group of people im referring to, who make up the majority of the fan base 

  9. The bigger picture is that you're looking to be offended on something that happened circa 2012-13, like what does it do to call her out on this now 7 or 8 years later? The headdress in the 'Ride' music video, Lana portraying a chola woman in 'Tropico' and I would even add her trying to be hispanic with not only her name, but with certain lyrics as well as her earlier/daddy issues or submissive attitude etc. The ethics of all of that has already been discussed and debated ad nauseam for almost a decade now.


    I understand the need to educate her, because we are at crossroads these day and age. But there are stuff some of y'all need to let go geez.


    Ahem. the bigger picture is she does not give a shit about poc issues, never has, and is completely unwilling to learn. if you look at my first comment again i wrote about how this behavior has continued pretty consistently up to her IG post a few months ago and her response following it. i know she never will learn at this point, i'm just talking about it cause i  can't stand seeing people defend this behavior and keep shooting down criticisms. if stans acknowledged what is and isn't acceptable, acknowledged her for the flaws but still enjoyed the art that would be one thing. but it's just not whats happening

  10. Did u choose not to read the first part of my post or what


    i read it but didn't say anything cause i already said it before. y'all keep micro analyzing the example of the name and not seeing the bigger picture. it's just an example of the behavior she shows, not the worst of it

    and i didn't even say it made her a racist. thats such a buzz word

  11.  I feel like ppl who live in the usa are the main ones complaining about her “appropriating” hispanic culture


    uh yeah? cause thats where poc are marginalized by white people. poc outside of white majority countries don't have a lot of reason to care about what happens here since they're not even affected by it




    Also problematic




    ugh and the thing  she did a lot of volunteer work in her past on native reserves. so i'm wondering how she can experience all that and still think wearing a headdress is appropriate


    "So unless you are a native male from a Plains nation who has earned a headdress, or you have been given permission to wear one (sort of like being presented with an honorary degree), then you will have a very difficult time making a case for how wearing one is anything other than disrespectful, now that you know these things. If you choose to be disrespectful, please do not be surprised when people are offended… regardless of why you think you are entitled to do this."

  13. idk why y'all are talking about the name like it's the only issue! it's not, its just an example, a little piece of evidence that shows the kind of person she is.  i dont actually care about the name, i don't want her to just change it just for the sake of being politically correct, i'm not asking her to make any kind of gesture, do anything, i just want her to genuinely change as a person. i want her to be open minded and educate herself about POC issues.  and P.S purely the name isn't why i'm saying she has a thing for appropriating hispanic culture, it's part of it, but it's not the only thing Mrs. "y cubano como yo" has shown


    so y'all can stop nitpicking at the little details and look at the bigger picture. she's an ignorant white woman who does not understand nor care, that's the issue. not the name

  14. No no. We can agree on the "Del Rey" thing bit i've read things like "you can't use sis' because it comes from the black community" and this is crazy. Yes It comes from the black community but sis and other terms coming from the black community have become so popular that we even use them in Italian as loanwords. Is that cultural appropriation? Nope. It's just how languages work.


    yeah but i'm not even talking about using slang. she literally herself said that the name was inspired by Colombians (or Cubans? i forget) and continued to push the hispanic image in her music. she also randomly decided to switch up and use certain slang when curating her "gangsta" persona. thats not the same as just speaking with slang 

  15. boomer behaviour in the midst of this thread 

    Okay ignorant turd


    pls. you're not special for knowing how languages develop over centuries. but theres a difference between natural cultural shifts on a massive scale and an individual white woman picking and choosing random cultural things for her aesthetic you're not seeing 

  16. i always thought of it as her man telling her "you're pretty when you cry" but sung from her perspective after hearing those types of remarks


    i considered it to be about an abusive relationship where the man objectifies her sadness. sort of showing how she's totally emotionally and spiritually invested in the relationship, but he only cares about superficial things like sex, drugs, money, looking pretty, etc

    I don't think it was a tad bit lol, most of the record was a big fuck you to her most fervent critics. 


    by tad bit i mean aside from the obvious satirical songs like FMWUTT, even songs that most people wouldn't consider satirical have a bit of irony in them,  like the title track has lyrics that are intentionally so over the top and melodramatic. "he hit me and it felt like a kiss"

  17. Does anyone maybe think she has Pretty When YOU Cry as the title instead of Pretty When I Cry because she didn't want to straight up tell people she romanticises being depressed?  :lmao:

    Cause idk but I'm much happier with the title being You instead of I regardless


    Oops I always forget if I'm in the Random Lana Discussion or Unpopular Opinions thread


    i feel like all of ultraviolence has a tad bit of self aware irony in it. a sort of "fuck you" to the criticism she got on born to die 

  18. my guess is, by that point, the shock value kind of wore off and it was no longer trendy to be all on her dick regarding "persona" and "glamorizing abuse" and whatever tf else they used to pester her about. 


    i was about to assume it was that too. it got old to the general public by that point and it was sort of redundant to try and criticize all of her songs. also the blow job/praying comparison has been done before by madonna anyways

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