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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. i mean amy's dead so there's that. lana del rey x nicki minaj would make no sense but those are my girls so i'm saying it anyway
  2. I feel like Ocean Blvd and Blue Banisters are her only albums that don’t have a noticeable theme/idea throughout them. Like she’s calling herself sweet on one song and then a whore on the next. That doesn’t mean it’s bad but I can’t pick out a consistent “storyline”
  3. Candy Necklace is fucking terrifying I’m sorry (but in a good way!!)…the lyrics are dark as fuck and then the instrumentation sounds like a haunted saloon. That dudes deep ass voice coming out of nowhere doesn’t help either. it reminds me of Is This Happiness a LOT, with the piano and the storytelling and the humming
  4. you’re better than me i’m nosy as fuck literally
  5. i seem to remember her saying she doesn't like deluxe editions/re-releases
  6. chemtrails, dark but just a game, not all who wander are lost, yosemite, and breaking up slowly are the hits i feel like the vibe of chemtrails is definitely like...flannel jackets, beer in paper bags, roadtrips, running away from the city
  7. i think kintsugi and fingertips are far down on my list not bc they're bad, but bc they're so personal that they have almost no replay value to me lol. i feel like they've both helped me understand more of lana as a person, but it feels like reading her diary and it's not relatable (bc it's not meant to). like, those aren't songs that you listen to for fun
  8. It’s too late I am lana.
  9. She said fuck the bullshit, love her
  10. What is modern black dahlia with a where do we go from here ending I know black dahlia is the chick that got chopped up but what is where do we go from here?
  11. seems like she's talking about a boyfriend bringing her down like candy necklace but like...idk?
  12. fishtail is very pretty to listen to but i have no idea what shes talking about
  13. Sweet sounds like it’s from a Disney musical so I’m just ignoring it tbh but it’s not ****bad****
  14. ok my favorites are A&W, Candy Necklace, Peppers, Fishtail, Taco Truck x VB, Let the Light In, and Did you Know.
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