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Posts posted by TropicoKitten

  1. Does anyone know when the physical media is going to ship now that it’s been delayed for a while? She talked about it in one of her lives last month, but I don’t remember what she said and I’m too lazy to look for it 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Sweet said:

    I suspect a documentary tbh. Lana is one of the artists who really deserves a good one. She has always been a mystery. An enigmatic sensation. I always get this feeling that a very revealing documentary is on its way. 

    I’ve always felt that the idea of Lana being “mysterious” was really exaggerated by the media. Realistically, we know a lot about her personal life outside of her being an artist. I think the “mysterious” hype was super prominent during btd because it was her “first” album and at the time we didn’t know as much about her. Plus, she was shy and her “persona” intrigued People 


    Not to mentions she’s always super random so we never know her next move


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