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About TropicoKitten

  • Rank
    Your Girl
  • Birthday 05/20/2003

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    United States
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    Who tf uses Skype anymore

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  1. Does anyone know when this stuff is supposed to ship? I bought a pennant flag and can’t find the confirmation email anywhere. I may have deleted it by mistake
  2. This may be an unpopular opinion but I’m getting tired of artists putting out 50 variants and not a single one is standard black. I’m also tired of people complaining that any black pressing they see is automatically “boring”
  3. Pls pls pls someone get her to release the subway
  4. I think her old stuff is actually good; it’s just the weird cursive accent that throws people off. It was really neat to hear her perform songs from school nights on the Midwest Princess tour with her voice now
  5. There’s a LOT of things her and her team have to consider before making a decision on this matter. No matter what happens, she’s not going to be able to please everyone. Some people payed $$$$ and want the full set, some people traveled a long way and can’t be there tomorrow night, etc. I think we could at least cut her a little slack. She’s clearly trying to figure out what the majority of fans want and I can respect that
  6. Obviously it was intended to be a meme but the wording is absolutely atrocious. I understand the reverse Cinderella bit, but they literally said she “DREAMT” of abuse and depression Either they’re 12 or English isn’t their first language. I have no idea why else they’d post that Edit: just noticed the OP liked Lana’s comment so clearly it was for attention of some kind
  7. TropicoKitten

    Taylor Swift

    I know it was dramatic but the way I cried when I thought evermore was getting cut… yikes
  8. I only tuned into the sale to get an idea of what the prices looked like and wow that was a shit show. I was having the same issue as I did when I bought tickets last fall. My ticketmaster was completely frozen for a super long time. I hope everyone that wanted to attend was able to secure tickets
  9. I’m praying the dates are announced somewhat in advance. I didn’t like how the last tour was announced so close to the first date. I need time to prepare and request off work If she comes near me
  10. She’s about to hit 10 mill on Spotify. I can’t believe her growth lately
  11. My only complaint is that they absolutely missed the opportunity to make it pink. I’ve been dying for a pink Lana record, and when the Amazon Ocean Blvd was announced, I thought I had won. NOPE, it turned out purple
  12. I’m not sure if I should be excited or scared
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