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About DinahLee

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  • Birthday January 20

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  1. DinahLee


    That's such a fucking scream I had no idea about/never saw mentioned anywhere. I haven't listened to it in a very long time as well. As I mentioned, I do think there's a big chance most of this being real, maybe just not this specific order as well.
  2. DinahLee


    I think it smells fake because 1. Isn't it confirmed there was no Charli version of Burn Rubber and she was basically lipsyncing Sarah's version at some performances? 2. What the hell is "Featuring DavidLaChapelle" nnn anyone that's not the photographer and I'm not aware?? 3. The 2 missing songs while the whole "singles roll-out" being finalized is also odd Anyway I do think many of these are real possibilities anyway! just awkward.
  3. DinahLee


    Oh wow Blindspot is really great. It's interesting to see how much closer to the super synth-y "collxtion I" sound it was supposed to be before the Spotify-lite sound kicked in full gear... I think it would have been a greater choice for the long run if she kept it closer to the Collxtion I sound. But anyway past is past. Sis is always serving great music, I hope it won't be long until we get something new.
  4. Fuck slay omg oh instrumentals and then a tagged snippet not very THAT slay. How come people can be sure these are legit and just not remakes? Just out of curiosity. I love when we get some full-process of few songs like the FROOT demos (and I think there's still more of these to leak??). During years I thought the 7 minutes/Pamplemousse demo would be unleaked unless Marina released it herself, but then we got all the garage band demos from everything else so...
  5. They usually start pushing these kind of ADs to track some extra attention for real...
  6. DinahLee


    This is interesting as hell. Do we know/have "You Don't Scare Me", "Blindspot" & "Paradise"? I don't remember any of these titles. It would be a really different album all things considered. Our Lady Of Sorrows sound iconic as well.
  7. Queen has spoken! @Elle your profile picture is gorgeous oh my GOD!
  8. It's okay to stan sis and also ok to recognize these 2 are useless. Dang getting a full push just for the "She's soooo crazyyyy" crowd doesn't mean it's a good song!
  9. Innocent Kind... the bop that you are.
  10. I honestly think that as mental as Twitter/TikTok stans are, things like "Tropico" are just too niche for them. I mean, I don't really interact with many stans but the only place I see "Tropico" being brought up is here.
  11. Usually I'd say 100% YES buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I do think Angels Forever is perfect with the etheral synth-pop vibes. Not every "Ultraviolence" rework... worked (namely: Driving In Cars With Boys). I sort of can imagine it going in a very ~Pink Champagne vibe though.
  12. Some of these takes are bordering "She should cut Venice Bitch into 2:30, remove the electric guitars, replace them with piano chords and keep the trap beat only"
  13. DinahLee


    Very likely, they'll just push through like any album cycle tbh. We're probably getting another single in August along with the album tracklist and then the full thing in September. If they really want to shift copies, I wouldn't be surprised at another extra single between August and the album release, especially if there's someone like Charli in there to attract attention.
  14. DinahLee


    Everything gets confusing because we just never had anything confirmed, only rumors and """leaks""". I don't think SOPHIE ever confirmed the album to be titled "TRANSNATION" and, AFAIA, we just know there was a scrapped "single release" with the music video leak. The "draft-tracklist" could mean just songs that were being worked on/close to being finished and strong contenders to what would become the "second album", also refered as "the Pop album that was close to being finished by the time of SOPHIE's passing" and they decided to give it the final adjustments along collaborators. Honestly I... don't care about the title. Once again, we have no idea of what was being planned, but at least I see it as a definite moment and pretty respectful, even from the point of view that SOPHIE sadly won't be present physically to "build the world" as they probably intended. It's really just the beautiful music that was close to being done. Maybe these supposedly "cut songs" were not close to being done? Maybe SOPHIE literally cut them from the project?? And maybe we just need to wait for a final tracklist and presentation.
  15. And the fact we already surpassed the 10th anniversary and nothing happened............... well. These titles are so good! I always imagined they didn't have tons of outtakes from the first 3 albums because we got some lengthy tracklists at the end. Ceremonials itself clocked ~23 songs including the demos and bonus tracks, HBHBHB got something like 19 counting all the bonus tracks spread through different versons and God knows how many songs Lungs ended up having after every re-issue. I always cherished the idea of having demos and sketches along the "deluxe" versions, and thought it was funny when they labeled outtakes/bonus like Landscape as "Demos" since we never got any Final version. If we do get something next year for HBHBHB while nothing happened for Ceremonails I'll be pretty pissed. But I DO WANT AS FAR AS I COULD GET ON STREAMING!!!!
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