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Venice Peach

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Everything posted by Venice Peach

  1. They are having the most popular acts last. I guess next is St. Vincent and maybe then Lana? I don't know how many performers are left
  2. I bet Lana's the last performer (If she ever shows up ) Jk I'm sure Lana is happy and excited to support a good cause
  3. I just tuned in and I don't know if I'm going to watch it whole, how many people have already performed?
  4. I think we have low expectations because that's what it is. It's a kinda lowkey event. She will probably sing LMLYLAW and a couple of covers and that's it. I'm more excited for the info we can get (if we get anything at all)
  5. She just tweeted (the same pic she posted on insta)
  6. I was hoping for the title track but I really love LMLYLAW and I'm so excited to hear that bridge live
  7. If the title track is a bop and it's the song she performs I'm scared of the life performance. We know our girl can sing but they always do her dirty with the mixing (and the loud backing vocals but maybe that's on her)
  8. How do we know it's not an old pic?
  9. Lana is going OFF on these girls I love her
  10. The way she's going to make me have a heart attack one day...
  11. The vocals the song lowkey sounds like some national anthem but I like it. I just find it funny that she's doing the soundtrack for a soccer team documentary Edit: Oh it's a cover
  12. I don't know what is the source from the lyrics on Instagram music but it says in the bridge "we could get high on something trippy" and I think I haven't seen that lyric anywhere so maybe it's legit...
  13. The way I jumped thinking it was about the song... Anyway, I guess it's a good look for her to tell people to vote so...
  14. Something could still come out on the 9th. I'm sure we'll get some COCC news after Violet's out
  15. Yes it's literally last year's interview. She just said she's been in the UK for four days now
  16. I think the 45 minutes are just the standard time of their segments, if Lana's show was less than that they will just fill the time with random songs I think. I'm curious about what live lounge are they going to air but other than that I don't really care about today's radio show
  17. I don't think she even knows about BBC today. Let's wait until Violet is out to expect an announcement
  18. So Bird World was going to be the name of the album before NFR and the title track is unreleased? Wow I thought it ended up being NFR (song). The more you know...
  19. So what is Bodega Bae? It's a play on words on Bodega Bay I guess but it's also a restaurant so... I don't understand anything
  20. Who told her she has the right to look that good
  21. She literally looks like 2010 Lana wtf she's too pretty
  22. HER HAIR OMG She looks so pretty with that hair (it's the superior blonde)
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