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Everything posted by reyner

  1. At this point, someone should write an email and see if they reply. Idk if this is a good option lol.
  2. Nope nothing went online. If It did it was a mistake and it was up for less than a minute
  3. It could have been a mock-up or the box is for the lighter
  4. Ngl I'd love to see a Japanese version of the vinyl like the one she did for Chemtrails.
  5. I don't think it's coming today, they have never released merch at this time.
  6. @hotshot2am is this merch only available on her American website or also on the European ones?
  7. It's still weird that some things that were in the email aren't on the codes of the website. Maybe it's not coming today bc they still have to add stuff
  8. Same! I still think that something is coming this week tho
  9. Real insiders are pretty reliable. They always say the truth unless Lana decides to change things at the last minute.
  10. That's actually very smart. I'm still wondering how Lana's stolen laptop is doing now lol
  11. I'm pretty sure Ben and Ed are reading Lanaboards constantly to know our next move lol.
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