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About roseofacircus

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  • Birthday 02/06/1998

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  1. As far as I can tell, her face changed because she changed her eyebrow shape. She looks BTD-ish tbh
  2. Woah, that's incredibly toxic and just wrong. The fact that you're someone's blood doesn't mean you owe them anything if they mistreat you. Rob may evaluate things and I'm pretty sure as an experienced husband and father, he'll be capable of managing his relationships just fine. What's sad is that people not related to them in any shape or form feel the need to talk about their family issues from a higher moral stand.
  3. https://www.instagram.com/stories/azealiabanks/2473717642284789143/ https://www.instagram.com/stories/azealiabanks/2473718394977947139/ This bitch is looking for a collective hex apparently. Sick and disgusting individual. Then she goes on to post about how perfect she is. Jesus fucking Christ.
  4. I absolutely love her without botox. Aging signs make her look wiser imo. Gorgeous regardless!
  5. Guess we'll be seeing each other there!
  6. If what y'all say is true and she becomes whoever she's dating we'll have a music quality problem...
  7. F - Pretty When I Cry M- Love Song K- Serial Killer
  8. I made that comment. It was a Britney Spears reference (as seen by the reply thread). It was about her goofy pose in the first picture, nothing to do with her appearance. I love Lana and always will! I hope y'all didn't take it in the wrong way lol
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