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Posts posted by MaskQueRaid

  1. Jesus Christ what kind of boyfriend can't change a damn smoke alarm battery at 42 seconds while your brother focuses and films your boobs? I can't even fathom this California lifestyle.



    And whatever happened to Chunk? 




  2. I'm really feelin' Sunday and Tuesday for some reason 


    All predictions are Australian Eastern Standard Time


    So like Saturday and Monday for everyone else

    Girl you have mentioned here the following days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday so Lana will surely do something on Wednesday and Thursdays just to spite ya. It's still Thursday right now in LA so see ya next Wednesday then.

  3. Cat Screeching


    You should stay close to Jesus

    Keep my bible at your hand my plan

    Fuck you right into my bed again

    Sing me like a bible hymn

    Wish you'd come up to our campus

    Trade this wine in for that canned shit (smoke alarm chirping)

    Like a little piece of heaven

    I'm no candle in the wind

    You should come up to our place baby don't be afraid of our love

  4. Or the smoke alarm chirping every 42 seconds and lack of electricity.


    In LA they are now threatening to shut off power and water to anyone who dares to host a party like Lana has done over and over and over again recently. 


    Honestly the cats are probably more annoyed by Lana. I know I would be. Of course I am annoying too.


    Lana can afford a generator so it's pretty inexcusable to just go without power when the government wants to make a point.


    But of course Lana is not too bright being homeless and without light and all according to the rules set by some people in this thread above.

  5. I'm saying Kaboom is great for cleaning show heads and ring around the toilet. I don't know if Lana uses it, but if she has a housekeeper then I'm sure the houskeeper uses it. 


    I agree that Lana probably would have a good laugh if she came on here, so lets keep our sense of humour to ensure that happens!


    Housekeeper??????????????? Have you seen that kitchen of hers???????????????????????????????? Vinegar works just as well on shower heads no need for Kaboom. 

  6. Yeah I think they sell them at Walgreens so I think I have seen them in between my hospitalizations. 

    What does what Lana feeds her cats have to do with anything? How do you know she blows smoke on ham? You don’t know she is feeding her cats ham.

    What does Walgreens have to do with this?

    Lana just shared a clip of a song, and you are talking about how she runs her household? What???


    If you had bothered to actually read anything I actually wrote and comprehended it you would have known that I revealed big news earlier in the thread that Lana's smoke alarm can be heard going off at 42 seconds probably just to see who would notice it. But nobody noticed as usual because you are all dum dums which they also sell at Walgreens. 




    I know it's hard to understand since Lana usually shops at Rite Aid.

  7. I hope Lana doesn't feed her pussy cats canned ham that could be deadly, kittens can't digest pork either.


    I bet she also blows smoke on it while opening the can and announces to everyone in the room that it is smoked ham.


    At this point I wouldn't be shocked by anything. 







    Perhaps the power was off because she couldn't pay the bills or totally forgot with everything going on and that causes the smoke alarms to go off too.


    Walgreens also sells 9 volt batteries for smoke alarms as well besides canned ham or cat food, it's like a comedy I tell yah. 


    At most locations they probably also sell the entire smoke alarm too in case that is the actual problem.

  8. Notice at 0:42 seconds the smoke alarm beeps could be from her vaping or probably needs a fucking new battery or something or she took it out because it kept going off from her vaping and her brother is too lazy to get up there and change the damn thing, no wonder the cats are annoyed with that going off once every minute. How else would anyone know that? Anyway the canned hams are on sale for 3 for $9 this week everybody should stock up for the end of days and return of Jesus. I don't eat pork so you can have them.

  9. This is what I heard.


    "You should stay close to Jesus...
    Keep my bottle at your hand my plan
    Fuck you right into my bed again
    Save me like a bottled ham
    Wish you come out to a Kansas
    Trade this wine in for that canned shit
    Like a little piece of heaven
    I'm no candle in the wind
    You should come out to our place baby don't be afraid of our love"
    Watch her not have the lyrics in the CD book again this time.
    Celebrity Canned Ham available at Walgreens!
    I'm more confused than ever right now. 

  10. I don't feel attacked even though I have just been called a "crackhead," a "lunatic," a "ZOG believer" (which I had to look up because that was a new one for me) and a conspiracy theorist which is just a tired old, and sad label. I just laugh. 


    If you feel attacked because you live in a bubble controlling what you see and think and anyone outside that bubble coming in to burst your bubble is a crazy person then that is on you.


    Obviously Lana wanted to start a conversation about this otherwise she would have just ignored it like she has a million times before. It's unfortunate too many people don't want to put in the work to become aware of what is really going on and just hang out on the shallow surface level of their own little closed minded world.


    I'm not sad or mad just disappointed in most. 

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