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Posts posted by MaskQueRaid

  1. An InSULlt coMEdy album where she drags her fans, she drags lanaboards, she drags other singers, she drags her crew of beverly hills white bread, she drags chunk and she especially drags her managers. Kinda like Jamie Kennedy as a rapper in Malibu's Most Wanted. 



  2. Never did it once cross my mind, that I‘d see lunatic conspiracy theories on this board (borderline sounding like a ZOG believer). But trolls are in every niche of the internet so whatever. Don’t give them attention.


    You said "ZOG"  Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory, I did not. 


    The real conspiracy is that the police departments in the USA are all trained by Israel, they come to the US and they use taxpayer money to pay Israel for that training which is what really needs to be defunded.


    That is fact, fact you do not like or maybe you do, either way I won't give it any of my attention either way ever again. 

  3. Ok but why would you expect an insightful posts with depth on this issue? It's not like she's a politicion or tends to be involved with israelian/ palestine culture a lot. Her post was tasteful and I don't think pop singers should be your go-to source for politic discussion

    I don't expect it, so when I see anything when all we normally get is complete radio silence on everything it is rather intriguing but then after a while the reality sinks in and it becomes disappointing because you know she didn't bother to say anything other than just copy whatever she saw the rest of the masses doing and thought I better do the same to fit in. So ultimately disappointing and feels like a failure to actually make any difference with the platform she has been gifted to have access to and the ability to reach people and make any sort of difference in the world.

  4. Okay the crackheadery has moved from the instagram updates thread has moved to the twitter updates thread



    I know the truth often hurts your head and sometimes it feels like someone whacked you in the head with it and cracked your head but Lana once claimed to be aware or at least trying to educate herself on the BDS vs Israel issues, but we haven't heard a peep since which is fine but treating the Beirut attack with such a surface level awareness is not what is needed when the problems all tie into everything else.

    Here is some useful insight into Ammonium Nitrate which caused the blast;



    People caused the explosion it didn't just spontaneously combust. 


    Netanyahu warns Hezbollah amid high tensions along northern border Following thwarted attempt to plant explosives on Golan border, PM says Israel’s foes should know ‘we will do what is necessary in order to defend ourselves’






    "explosives on Golan border"


    Defend themselves blowing up half a city when they can always fall back on the USA to cover their ass with propaganda and indoctrinated uneducated undying evangelicalism support for the terrorist state of Israel. Interesting how ISIS and Al Qaeda never once attacked Israel despite being labeled as Muslim extremists. Almost as if ISIS and Al Queda were actually Israeli operations funded by Mossad and CIA and 9/11 just a nice excuse to go pillaging the Middle East.


    But hearts and prayers will save everyone not real awareness of the real situation. 

  5. Exactly.... :oprah3: there is no way this was jusT a freak accident


    It's all about real estate and insurance fraud too people know what's up. They buy up the places around the area let them go to pot then disaster strikes and they make a secondary killing besides getting rid of the witnesses and clearing the whole area of the actual citizens that rightfully belong there, then they redevelop for profit, people are waking up. Now France's Macron is there he worked/works for Rothschilds Israel with German insurer Allianz to give the Lebanese government an ultimatum to align with Israel over Iran if they want any money to stay afloat. If anybody actually bothered to care they would know to "trust no one." Sad but true.


    Sending "Hearts and Prayers" aren't helping. Your mind is your best tool to educate yourself. But I guess we can only expect so much from somebody that has been in the world for 35 years.



    Seems like Lana started off woke but has slowly slipped into a coma as time went on, I blame wealth, fame, vaping and lethargy. 



    Now she just spouts buzz words like "chemtrails" out to appear woke. 

  6. We said it was a "stalling tactic" not a "sales tactic" Lana could give "a shit" what she sells, she makes that pretty clear by her hands off approach to promotion and her total disrespect often bordering on evil maniacal taunts of her fan base while she just sits back and lets her fan base squabble in the mud slinging insults back and forth to keep themselves occupied and content.


    She could easily get on IG at any second and end the squabbling and everyone would immediately stand at attention like the obedient COCC SUCKERS that they are. 


    Instead she chooses to "say nothing at all." 




    Perhaps she delights in the sadomasochism of it all and derives pleasure from watching her fans struggle with the pain and suffering she inflicts. 
    If I was her I might be so bored with life that I have to do such a terrible thing just to feel important but really there is probably something else much deeper she is hiding from.
    I don't see how you would ever know. 

  7. What happened in Beirut was entirely preventable too. Why is ammonium nitrate being stored in a place close to where people are? There is a reason why nuclear waste gets buried far from population centers. 


    Lebanon has really been through so much in recent years and this is just horrible. My heart goes out to all who are affected and I hope the international community comes together to help. Now they are saying that 250,000 are homeless because of this, so I really hope there is a coordinated effort to help.  


    There are no accidents. The International community will come together and all the money will ultimately end up falling into the hands of the Israeli government to carry out their real agenda to take over Lebanon because they are running out of land to steal from everywhere else around them. This is not a new tactic either, it is the same one the Crown used for centuries against the natives of Canada, US, New Zealand, and Australia. Destabilize and twist the truth into a pretzel. 

    I saw the video and it reminded me of 9/11 which conveniently is also a lie. The cameras were all perfectly positioned. 


    As soon as Lorde criticized Israel she was gone as soon as Bernie Sanders an actual Jewish person announced he would boycott AIPAC he was gone. See a pattern? 

  8. Instead of "hearts and prayers" use your mind and understand what people of the middle east are actually fighting on all sides.


    God forbid people simultaneously ask about the album, as if one thing has anything to do with the other, or as if people are so basic they cannot handle more than one thing at a time,


    "I contain multitudes."


    There is always going to be something happening in the world, this is just another stall tactic because she's looking for any excuse to play coy and deny she promised a date without really consulting anyone who could make that happen.



    Mossad probably did it to stop Iran from supporting Palestine. Lebanon was already suffering badly thanks to the US and Israel who are liars, both the democrats and republicans who are both invested in war and in lockstep agreement with the military industrial complex and constantly trying to overthrow the governments there so they can take another country as part of the PNAC Oded Yinon Plan or the greater good of Israel project, a plan to capture control all countries around Israel and subjugate the peoples there to the will of the nation of Israel and wall street bankers. It's always a convenient deflection to frame Russia and Iran for crimes the Israelis commit all over the place. And when anyone dares criticize the nation of Israel they scream antisemitism to shut them down.

  9. That was two weeks ago. Lana is back in LA now as she was seen at a 7/11 last week. I doubt Interscope is doing any in-person meetings with Lana and her team right now, but I'm sure the wheels are in motion for the next album. They are probably talking via Zoom. 


    My guess is that the album will be out in the fall because the holidays come up around that time.

    I love how people assume to know shit on here including Lana's current whereabouts it's truly hilarious! 

  10. Maybe the frog was trapped in a swimming pool filter cut the girl a break folks she was trying to save it's life maybe. 


    She toured the whole southwest and even added Oklahoma just to save that one frogs life because she really didn't accomplish much else.


    She's the Tulsa Jesus Frog Freak. 


    Frogs don't come with instructions and her phone don't work in Oklahoma so she couldn't look up proper best frog handling practices.


    You're expecting a lot from this woman.


    This is Lana, not a zoologist.



    She bought a real fur teddy bear remember?

  11. COCC is being held up.


    She probably saw this thread and thought it was a good idea to officially change the title to the abbreviation COCC and that video of her driving was right after she got into a huge argument with her managers and record company using a 333+ page thread as evidence to put COCC on the cover. 


    Megalomaniac: A person who is obsessed with their own power.
    Also see Lana Del Rey
    U People never learn.


    U People Never Learn. 
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