after listening to a few snippets of janet's music she could definitely slip die 4 in there. I'm still not over HIFN... I'm assuming that she'd tie in some elements from that album to xcx5 so it makes sense to do a tour for both albums at once. It'll probably have a sound like Enemy or Forever if thats the case
the power it could have...
I wonder if she's gonna include any more scrapped songs on XCX5. She said she was working on 'the most pop album she's ever made' before HIFN was going into production and she was reworking taxi around the time she said that... I could live without an official taxi release though
Anyone have a list of N1A Outtakes? The only ones i have are Bad Chicks & 2Bad (Correct me if they're not from that era, I get almost all the info from the xcx-world fandom wiki)