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Posts posted by DownhillLullaby

  1. Just now, evalionisameme said:

    Breaking News!!!


    The Voices Carry songstress and G Eazys ex girlfriend were caught seen at a club on Tuesday night holding hands? Is this the end of their fued? 


    More on news at 10.



    We're Sky's doomed and you're trying to curse us


  2. I dreamt that Sky played All My Lovers Die (the song) to me but guess what? She played in a VHS(like?!). And in my mind I was like ooooh girl not another Love in Stereo moment!!!!


  3. 5 minutes ago, jinsouldilf said:

    and its confusing because of the other song that she features on, also called "the woods"


    Let's rename it to Vitriol Kisses mwah or ask Sky or the producer, what's the song's title and we won't accept "The Woods"


  4. am I the only one who doesn't like "The Woods" title? I mean it is what it is but I've always visioned it as Love Street but based on the lyrics it's impossible so

    but I'd love a reworked version of the woods (cause it seems a little bit raw) and I've always pictured the music video as smth similar as I Blame Myself

  5. (almost) everytime she posted a photo from that shoot, she said that she had news or upcoming music coming.

    Maybe she didn't put a legend into it because we know what happens after....

    wondering if the label contacted her... sky loves to hint, hints like only her get them :rollin:







  6. 1 minute ago, rancidgirl said:

    i feel like if sky ferreira told someone in her comments to kill themselves freeskyferreira would be like "she probably wasnt even the one who said that, it was most likely one of the big men from capitol taking control of her life and her music and not letting her release her sophomore album, check my account for more information about this" :gasp:


    It's really annoying at this point

  7. 1 minute ago, letterblue said:

    you still care about that video? 

    Yes cause it looked interesting... I miss watching her in music videos. 

    Releasing songs to not even promote or have a proper music video, what's the point of releasing more singles?! 

    We can say that this album should've been out and released. 

  8. Honestly I don't want Descending anymore.

    Release another song without its music video? It's like a no for me.

    It's not like we have choices to make, cause we ain't getting a damn thing. 

    But I'd be in peace with Don't Forget Music Video

  9. 7 minutes ago, Air said:

    What she really means is she wants to put this out with money behind it but we need to LEARN... Capitol is not gonna pay anymore so please just go rogue!

    Are you sure about that info? Because Sky has previously already mentioned that they take ages to give her a date release. So maybe that's what's happening?!

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