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Posts posted by DownhillLullaby

  1. Well at least I'm happy to see her moving, slowly but... I just miss her. 

    If she's releasing or not I'll believe it when I listen to it. Until then, I hate when she disappears...

  2. Sometimes I wish I'd go back to the time I heard You're Not the One for the first time on Soundcloud and DIDN'T LIKE IT AT ALL.

    It was so easier when I was a Kesha/Charli stan...



  3. Has any of you guys went to Sky's latest performances? 

    After a long time not performing, I expected some improvements. Specially because she has been performing most of the songs for a long time. 

    The new ones on the setlist, seemed difficult to perform and she looks like she's struggling a little bit. Some of them she sings higher(!?! IDK)

    At this point I think, she needs to get over the technical difficulties and move on with it. Also, she really seemed insecure despite the rock and roll lookin' attitude. 

    Hopefully, she'll overcome this. (and be on time cause...)




    That's what she gets when she cuts Guardian off the setlist :duck:


  4. 1 minute ago, lonely lonely night said:

    we like you sky ferreira!


    I like the leakers, they're giving us what she is refusing to give





  5. 5 minutes ago, Real Bad Girl said:


    Her whole fanbase deserves the full thing, not boring 15sec snippets.


    Give us Cobra luv, someone on dbree allegedly said that you've got it :hooker:

    Time to come slip away... :hair:

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