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Tulsa Jesus Freak

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Posts posted by Tulsa Jesus Freak

  1. 38 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

    Bro you've got your wires crossed. Christmas Island, aka the LNP's asylum seeker outpost, is on the other side near Indonesia. So it's like 6pm there

    What we REALLY need is a Tongan Lanaboredian, because it's 11:58pm there.

    https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/kiribati/kiritimati ?

    care to explain, chubby old nazi?


    mod note: user was penalised for this post; additionally, they have been banned as it was discovered this was a duplicate account for a previously banned member

  2. 3 hours ago, AlexParliament said:

    So glad they are still doing this this year. Happy to see Lana promoting an event which supports America’s famers. 

    Well if she brings attention to chemtrails in her album then she’s also supporting American farmers :diva:

  3. 8 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    So @VioletBunny pointed out that Annie Mac has her BBC Radio 1 Future Sounds show tomorrow; Lana previously debuted Summer Bummer, Groupie Love, MAC, FILY and TG with her on this show and it's possible she could debut LMLYAW with her tomorrow as well. Does anyone want to reach out to her on Twitter and see if that's happening?


    I remember everyone thought Hope would be premiered with her as well, but Annie confirmed that it wouldn't; maybe we'd get a similar situation?

    Great idea!! 

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