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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. all of them are close to middle age and jealous of us gorgeous girls they have a point about some of y’all tho
  2. that’s chuck’s computer not lana’s, she’s the photographer so it makes sense for the pics to be on HER computer
  3. can we blame them ? this thread became highkey unbearable between the reddit/tiktok newbies, the 13 year olds, the bottom of the barrel opinions and the many, many dumb individuals (looking at you 12 pointers who get banned after their first post)… yeah the second this shit leaks i’ll dip too
  4. like… "why is she releasing a song we’ve already heard” who forced you to listen to it in the first place ?
  5. here y’all go getting mad at someone other than yourself for listening to leaks lana eras really are a time loop aren’t they
  6. some sick asshole is keeping the album hostage and doesn’t want to share it with us today
  7. and that’s enough to get me excited i’m here for anything but nikki lane collabs atp
  8. exactly and fuck the GP, if they aren’t here for songs like The Grants then they don’t deserve the middle and second half of the album let them think it’s piano only while we gatekeep the bops
  9. don’t bother, you know the girls on here are slow and devoid of any form of critical thinking
  10. no one would be hyped about anything taylor related and boz isn’t a taylor stan either so why would he be happy about this
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