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Posts posted by lanasbottom

  1. 11 minutes ago, angelphoenix said:

    the deterioration of this thread with most of the active high rep veteran members taking  a break/leaving is so evident :air2::air: 

    can we blame them ? this thread became highkey unbearable between the reddit/tiktok newbies, the 13 year olds, the bottom of the barrel opinions and the many, many dumb individuals (looking at you 12 pointers who get banned after their first post)…  yeah the second this shit leaks i’ll dip too :rip:

  2. Just now, Fingertips said:

    You all can keep flapping your gums about the chosen song as the next single, but Peppers and Taco Truck would be incredibly false advertising, so I'm glad she went with a track that's more representative of the album a whole. This ain't GagaDaily. Be glad she didn't put out the experimental cuts of the record, Kintsugi or Fingertips.  :oprah3:

    exactly and fuck the GP, if they aren’t here for songs like The Grants then they don’t deserve the middle and second half of the album :true:


    let them think it’s piano only while we gatekeep the bops 

  3. 47 minutes ago, Xenoblade 2 said:

    Also I’m curious to see how The Grants will perform on streaming. I’m going to need the girls who said leaks don’t affect sales to come out in droves and say something about it the day after premiere. I’m expecting it to double A&W streams since it’s much shorter and leaks don’t affect streams after all (I’ve been beaten over the head with this). So 4 - 5 million streams global on the first full day.


    Genuinely curious to see its performance on Spotify.

    the way you’re never tired of speaking into a void :lmao:

  4. 1 hour ago, BartenderDeco said:

    boz on atrl:

    Let's go back to Earth a bit, there is no surprise second album, or any new music project coming already

    But for once, they are doing something right, for the fans :fan:


    It will be revealed next week. Actually skimming through this thread I don't think anyone guessed it right? Guess I was right :confused:

    so y’all can shut up now and wait for tuesday :nails:

  5. 2 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

    I have no problem with unconventional structuring I must say- I love NIN, Sneaker Pimps, Charli etc  but even though A&W gave me baby NIN which is a direction I even said would be interesting prior…. The track just didn’t blend well to me- what significance did jimmy jimmy co co puff have? 

    jesus some of y’all really hate fun 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Vertimus said:
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    I've been waiting, wondering if someone else noticed this and would comment. This is the sort of thing many Lana Stans will defend to their last breath, but I agree. I can only think that she's gasping and straining on purpose, and singing in the thinnest voice possible sometimes. What this means and why she's doing it, I don't know. Could it be that she thinks it's 'more artistic,' or 'more genuine,' or even something her critics will approve of, since they 'hate me'/her anyways? If the former, it reminds me of some 'artists' I've known here in NYC that think not bathing, ever, or brushing one's teeth or hair, or using deodorant, makes them more 'authentic' as artists and human beings.  

    We do know there are some deeper vocals in the music we've heard, so maybe there will be considerably more. For me, her voice is half of her total appeal, the other half being her wonderful songwriting. 


    they are talking about Miley not Lana :deadbanana:

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