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Posts posted by violettiaras

  1. On 10/20/2023 at 4:21 PM, Girl in Bel Air said:

    I am fascinated  with how Lana has an affinity for the name Violet. I also use Violet as a screen name or as a placeholder for characters in stories I create. When I was young teen, Vioet was my alter ego, and it kinda is now. I wish she would speak more on "Violet."

    It’s Rob’s grandmother’s name :) There’s an interview where she mentioned the use of the name, saying it is a family name and just kind of popped into her head

  2. 14 hours ago, Nectar Of The Puss said:

    another reason for her ‘silence’ is there’s an investigation going on with the stadium and if she makes an in-depth statement about it it could result in a mistrial.

    in what way…? lol. maybe its different in brazil but far as i know, a mistrial doesn’t happen before theres a court case unless there’s like.. evidence that is collected and not submitted properly. mistrials are because of something the jury did or improper conduct by the investigators or law team. the defendants do not cause them by speaking about the alleged incident. in america, (the legal system taylor knows), lawyers tell you not to talk because anything you say can be used against you in court and because you have the right not to “compelled to be a witness against yourself”. i’m not blaming her as she didn’t board up the vents and hoard water, i’m just saying.. don’t say she’s “avoiding a mistrial” as if she’s silent in the name of justice and not silent to protect herself

  3. “She’s unearthly suburban and unreasonably talented, and she can pretend to be a normal person,” the filmmaker and writer John Waterstells me. “I think of the ad campaign for Russ Meyer’s Lorna,” he says admiringly, referring to the 1964 sexploitation film. “[The tagline] could go for her: ‘Longing, love, lust, life, Lana. Too much for one man.’ ” Director David Lynch is also a fan. “She tells a story in her music,” Lynch says. “She gives a mood and a story and a way to think, and she paints a picture in your brain.”


    John Waters AND David Lynch (and Joan Baez) like the rest of the interview aside from setting the scene (also chefs kiss) was bad but this is everything I’m so serious. 


  4. Suki’s pregnant! She is canceling her shows but shes been in the studio “day and night” she tweeted and the album is almost done and is expected next year. Also kind of confirmed a Christmas song, maybe Have yourself a merry little christmas. 

  5. https://twitter.com/hashashintag/status/1718396516635754998?s=46

    Thread on how to purchase e sims so Palestinians can communicate. Less than the cost of one vinyl. Also info on where to donate for that if you can’t afford the full esim or whatever. Me personally, I think I’ll buy a prepaid visa and use that info to purchase the esim cause… I’m completely unfamiliar with that company and I’ve heard of people connected with pro Palestinian orgs and funds being doxxed or put on lists and you definitely don’t want that with your credit card involved. 

  6. https://youtu.be/g6Lr3wiYNhw?si=Xpr0MtYhYPXY9-DU  Finally got around to uploading Zella and Jesse singing Bleeding Hearts in WV. I was gonna cut out me asking my dad (a king) to hold the camera at the start and end but I never got around so I just uploaded as is please ignore it lol. I put the video as unlisted so you can only view if you have that link but let me know if it doesn’t work. :)

  7. 11 hours ago, Quincy said:

    What else did she sing 🖤

    I was so excited I partially blacked out but i think :

    Purple Haze, Real life, Girls, Dance For Live, radio silence, Bleeding hearts, mushroom punch. i think thats all the songs but the order might be wrong. :) 

  8. 11 hours ago, shadesofblue said:

    I interpret it much like the conspiracy theories surrounding Marilyn Monroe's death, suggesting it wasn't suicide but rather CIA involvement. In the song Hope, I see it as a metaphor for the challenges faced by women in the spotlight, where speaking one's mind can lead to trouble with those in positions of power.

    found a quote from lana ive been seriously been looking for since she first did the hope choreo which i think really explains it! Its basically what everyone’s guesses just like a tad more specific. 



    When discussing the song hope she says:


    “It was staggered with references from living in Hollywood and seeing so many things that didn’t look right to me, things that I never thought I’d have permission to talk about, because everyone knew and no one ever said anything. The culture only changed in the last two years as to whether people would believe you. And I’ve been in this business now for 15 years!”


    Earlier in the story she mentions women in the industry being considered crazy for not fitting into categories and expectations etc. 

    So I’ve always interpreted the cia segment of hope dance as women in the music industry (it also applies to the common woman) reporting sexual abuse or wanting to and being dismissed, belittled and ignored or even further abused in court like Kesha. The CIA guy would represent anyone in a position of power including law enforcement who helps to normalize and facilitate abuse. It’s about the silencing of women, and how those that speak up or “act out” are deemed crazy or hysteric, even though any “hysteria” they show usually stems from being treated as a crazy liar. Her being dragged off could either indicate being taken to a mental hospital because they’ve made her crazy or are still trying to paint her as such, or more broadly and maybe simultaneously the metaphoric killing of her hope and her spirit. 

    Off topic and re marilyn, a lot of hardcore devoted MM fans (or at least from what I’ve seen)  actually reject the CIA/murder conspiracy so I wonder if Lana does as well but it is clear I think to most people how outside forces like misogynist stigma and mistreatment played into her death so she definitely fits into this story in that sense. 
    I’m already rambling but I could go on and on forever so I’ll cut it off here. :) 

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