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About violettiaras

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  • Birthday February 14

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  1. 5 years later and the knocking noise still scared the fuck out of me while I’m alone at work. Love this song though and that sound effect works I’m just on edge
  2. I know tons of people that ended up hating Trump, have been constantly saying “they couldn’t find anyone better than biden or trump?!” AND think J.D. Vance is scummy and flip flops too much, so I think this could actually pull a lot of voters towards the left. That or completely backfire due to lack of organizing 🙃
  3. Who’s subscribed to his texts and just got that link 😃😃 we are so back
  4. plot twist, her bag and laptop were never stolen from her car, it fell out while she was walking around with her bag wide open
  5. i’m trying so hard but i can’t make out what she says after drawl but i feel like its not “every now” it sounds more like “yall” or maybe of it all
  6. Omg i’m usually alone at my work but my coworkers are in today out of all days. I wanted to blast tough later
  7. https://x.com/ldraddic/status/1808341982688768023?s=46 Lana followed a stormchaser on instagram. Jack Donoghue (and john holland for salem) actually went storm chasing with him a few years back for their starfall music video
  8. violettiaras


  9. Bleeding hearts is out officially! So good, I’m boosting my shitty live recording to brag that I heard it first.
  10. back to the rauseuer? what does that one say yall this thread still being active is cracking me up but yes lets get to the bottom of this
  11. I was thinking that shirt looks like she thrifted it and it’s from 2007 or something lol 😭
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8oUi36uMRS/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== Pictures from her bassist and synth player charley. A few of lana! there’s one picture (slide 4) of them taking apart the stadium and it looks like a fight broke out in the floor seats or something cause there’s a whole mess of them knocked down 😭
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