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Rust Dress

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    new york
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  1. i’ve been playing roblox on and off for 12 years atp (which is crazy to say). idc how old I get, roblox will always be a comfort game. BUT i’ll never forget logging into one of my old accounts and seeing that an item I had traded off went from like 3-5k robux to upwards of 180k
  2. the fact that it was registered pretty much confirms that it’s real. can’t get anymore real than that besides an official confirmation from lana. BUT i remember someone saying that they commented the title under one of clayton’s posts asking if it was real and he liked it
  3. Rust Dress


    RIGHT LIKE…. i didnt even know this song had a featured artist cuz you can barely hear the vocals and iirc, sophie only played the outro at her shows
  4. OHHHHHHH hope is restored. sorry it’s 10:30 am
  5. I’m not feeling much hope that it’s for Lasso… like a 9/30 preorder and then dropping a week later? I don’t think she’s ever done that before let alone for an album
  6. Rust Dress

    Charli XCX

    who would've thought that charli would be involved in a presidential campaign... CHARLI XCX OUT OF ALL PEOPLE
  7. I actually believe Biden dropping out at this time was the best decision HEAR ME OUT.... If Biden had dropped out and left Kamala with the nomination before Trump's assassination attempt, it would've been over for the Democrats. We knew Trump's win was sealed if Biden had remained in the election, and I believe it would've been the same for Kamala. Now that the assassination attempt frenzy has died down, Biden dropping the bomb announcing his departure from the election only creates more attention towards the democrats, and EVEN MORE considering it is very likely Kamala will get that nomination (plus she already has a lot of support). I feel like Biden's inner circle knew he was going to drop out and they just waited for the right moment to announce it.
  8. girl im afraid to say we’re screwed NO MATTER WHAT. if trump wins, then we know happens. if (presumably) kamala wins, the trumpies will go insane and an event like january 6th on a bigger scale will occur
  9. KAMALA IT’S YOUR TIME https://x.com/joebiden/status/1815087772216303933?s=46
  10. you exist in the context… of all in which you lived and what came before you
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