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Everything posted by LustForcocc

  1. Daily Mail UK have already posted about the lateness and reference glasto and the comments aren’t the best
  2. This is hilarious she said give me sound issues? DRAG me off stage
  3. Oh she’s furious this is the third time she’s asked 💀
  4. I just noticed this, I assume the stage Lana will be on is currently empty/being prepared so they’re playing highlights till she’s due on?
  5. It’s chucking it down but at least you guys haven’t got the sun beaming down on you all day, I’m very jealous please do all have a great time!!!
  6. why did I not see necklaces either (I B lined for the PWYC hoodie and left 😭 )
  7. I was meant to wake up early and get to the pop up for 10 when it opened but guess who just woke up you guys BETTER LEAVE ME A PWYC HOODIE
  8. Waiting for the he’s born in march and I’m born in June tea
  9. Secretly praying she’s late caus my train home is delayed and I don’t have the wifi to join the stream pls keep me updated on EVERYTHING I wanna know what she wears
  10. I want the tough tee but oversized and there’s no sizing chart 😭 I’m usually a medium, I’m thinking get an XL?
  11. When I tell you hearing normal live changed my life and the way her vocals are tonight it’s gonna make me DIE
  12. Have we had Norman yet I can’t remember if it’s still in the set list or what part
  13. Is that fucking ricardo at barricade AGAIN
  14. I think this is her best performance this year honestly
  15. Girls mic is finally ON I can actually HEAR HER
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