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Everything posted by thomasoliver88

  1. found... dresses - https://ldrvillage.com/#/category/10/ tanks - https://ldrvillage.com/#/category/11/ shorts - https://ldrvillage.com/#/category/12/ Not linked in the store (yet)
  2. Lana Del Rey - White Dress (Official Music Video) •Premieres 19 Mar 2021 16:00 (UK)
  3. Seee UK stans don't get everything
  4. UK TEE dispatched LITHO > Processed (Pending Yesterday)
  5. Think everything on uk store sold out when it wasn't earlier this afternoon
  6. someone moved this to the http://lanaboards.com/forum/19-videos/ forum from new releases.
  7. https://www.instagram.com/stories/banquetrecords/2532161183147202718/?hl=en
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMj29Ywh0cs/ Banquet have their delivery
  9. same T-Shirt Processed (no dispatch email) Litho Pending.
  10. Same T-shirt processed (as of today) and Litho pending. (uk store)
  11. Financially and strategically it makes sense. UK push for record sales. - Better changes of a #1 album upon release. There is huge appetite for all gigs and festivals selling at a really fast rate here in UK. Strike whilst the iron is hot.
  12. Not anymore. UK tour announcements are thick and fast for late 21 and 22, since gigs and festivals can happen post June 21st in the UK Wishful thinking Lana will make up for the cancelled UK tour.
  13. Im confined that their making 1 available at at time to prevent people from purchasing quantities.
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